Posts Tagged ‘Nick Fuentes’

Dan Patrick: Dade Phelen Must Go

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

It’s not often that the leader of the Senate says that the leader of the House, of his own party, must resign, but that’s what Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said about Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.

Just hours before the Legislature is slated to convene for a third special session, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has taken his criticism of House Speaker Dade Phelan to a new level, calling on him to resign.

While Patrick has been critical of Phelan following the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton, until now he has avoided calling on him to step down.

In a statement released Monday morning, Patrick said Phelan had hit “rock bottom” by “using the war in Israel for his own political gain.”

“With nearly 1,000 dead and over a hundred kidnapped, anyone who would use the war in Israel for their own political purposes is revolting, repulsive, and repugnant,” said Patrick.

“I am calling on Dade Phelan to resign his position before the House gavels in this afternoon,” said Patrick. “There is no place in Texas political discourse for any elected official to use the atrocities in Israel for their own political gain. That’s what Dade Phelan is doing. At this point, he’s simply got to go.”

Dade was evidently trying to make hay over the fact that Patrick got money from someone who talked to Nick Fuentes. Hardly a topic at the forefront of the minds of Texans.

Speaking of Phelan, he bragging that he’s still going to appoint Democrats as committee chairs because that’s “what Texans want.” Given that Texans have elected Republicans to every statewide office for over two decades, I’m pretty sure that’s not the case.

Republicans will not truly control the Texas House they have a majority in as long as Phelen is speaker.