Here’s a Joe Rogan interview with epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, co-author of Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs, talking about the battle against the Wuhan coronavirus. It’s informative but not exactly encouraging:
People with underlying conditions or risk factors like smoking or obesity suffer much higher death rates. 10% of Chinese men over 70 who smoked who contracted the Wuhan coronavirus died.
Don’t expect coronavirus to go away in short order; we’re going to be dealing with it for a while.
Don’t expect summer to kill the virus; MERS thrived on the Saudi Arabian peninsula.
It could be ten times worse than a seasonal flu.
Keep doing the hand washing, but don’t think it’s going to stop the virus, whose transmission vector is primarily airborne.
N-95 masks are effective, but there’s a shortage.
Fecal transplants > Probiotics.
There are coyotes in New York City’s Central Park.
It’s easy to make a cornavirus, but it’s hard to make a safe vaccine. It could be years before we have a vaccine…
Also features discussion of various other diseases.