Posts Tagged ‘Juneteenth’

Oakland Residents Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting At Each Other

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Another day, another incident of California’s slide into lawlessness.

An Oakland, California shooting on Juneteenth resulted in several people being hospitalized, according to the city’s police department.

The Wednesday night shooting started after a fight broke out near a crowd of roughly 5,000 people taking part in events around Lake Merritt, according to the Oakland Police Department. When police tried to move the crowd to a safe area, some people punched and pushed, with one officer being assaulted, the agency said.

The crowd was purportedly peaceful until an “illegal sideshow” with cars and motorcycles developed.

Several victims were hit by gunfire and transported to a nearby hospital, according to the Oakland Police Department. Authorities say there is currently no report of fatalities nor have there been any arrests made in connection with the shooting.

Multiple shots, several people hospitalized, no arrests.

A couple of observations:

1. In normal cities in normal states, there are usually enough police around to prevent two gangs from opening up on each other at a major holiday celebration. IN Oakland evidently things are different.
2. For all the talk of California having the toughest gun control in the nation, gangbangers seem to have no problem obtaining weapons. Evidently the California Democratic establishment only wants to disarm the law-abiding.

(Hat tip: ZeroHedge.)

Last year, Oakland was having a problem with pirates. Evidently they’ve made some progress on that front…