Both Molly Norris, the original cartoonist who came up with Draw Mohammed Day, and Jon Wellington, the creator of the Facebook page dedicated to it, have dropped out of the effort. Funny how Los Angeles Times writer Jimmy Orr never seems to have thought to ask the single most obvious question about their change of heart: Have you received any death threats from Muslim extremists, and is this why you changed your mind? You would think that would be an obvious question to ask when dealing with Islamic extremists, but evidently the question is not of particular interest to those fabled watchdogs in the media.
However, just because the originator pulled out doesn’t mean that Draw Mohammed Day is canceled. After all:
Bloggers made of sterner stuff have picked up the idea and run with it, including:
- Reason’s Hit and Run Blog
- The new Everyone Draw Mohammed Blog.
- Another new site:
- Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor (making Norris’ fake group real; some NSFW images there)
I plan on contributing my own modest graphic skills to the endeavor. Moreover, I think we should go beyond individual efforts and ask every single professional cartoonist to participate. I encourage you to write your favorite cartoonist and ask them to join in.
And, as he so frequently does, Chris Muir’s Day by Day nails the dismount (and is the source of the blog title).