What does unstinting support for disarming the law-abiding get politicians in America these days? A pink slip. Both John Morse and Angela Giron are now ex-state senators.
A couple of weeks ago, Giron had this to say: “For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that.”
Word is that the gun-grabbing time spent six times as much as the Second Amendment side in the recall and still lost. (But Colorado’s campaign finance laws exclude counting a lot of third party money, so don’t take that as gospel.)
A few reactions:
And this tweet from last night has 100 retweets:
Q: What do you call bitter people clinging to guns and religion? A: Voters. #COrecall @instapundit @KurtSchlichter @DLoesch @iowahawkblog
— BattleSwarm (@BattleSwarmBlog) September 11, 2013
Bottom line: If you’re a politician, and you choose to listen to Nurse Bloomberg rather than your constituents, you will be replaced.