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Presidential Election Update for July 22, 2024

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

The aftershocks of Biden’s withdrawal from the race are still rumbling around the politisphere, so let’s dig in.

  • Now the Biden has been pushed out, a whole lot of big money Democratic donors are suddenly back in.

    ActBlue, the Democrats’ online fundraising platform, announced on Sunday that small-dollar donors had donated nearly $50 million in just several hours after Vice President Kamala Harris launched her presidential campaign.

    “As of 9 p.m. ET, grassroots supporters have raised $46.7 million through ActBlue following Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign launch,” ActBlue said in a statement. “This has been the biggest fundraising day of the 2024 cycle. Small-dollar donors are fired up and ready to take on this election.”

    Harris launched her campaign after President Joe Biden announced that he was ending his reelection campaign and was endorsing Harris following weeks of intense pressure from the media and members of his party to quit.

    While Biden endorsed Harris, many top Democrats did not, including former President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

  • Not raising money for Harris: Florida attorney and Democratic megadonor John Morgan, who says “Joe Biden’s endorsement of Kamala is his fuck you to all who pushed him out.”
  • A whole bunch of would-be pretenders to the throne seem to be lining up behind Harris.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) will not seek his party’s nomination for president. Another potential rival to Harris, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.), endorsed Harris on Sunday. Both Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) and Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) threw their support behind Harris. Former Democrat (but still senator) Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) briefly considered making a run but dropped that hot potato almost instantly.

    “When President Biden picked Kamala Harris to be his Vice President he unleashed incredible excitement for a new generation of political leadership,” Hochul said in a statement. “That same energy will carry us to November 5 with Vice President Harris leading our ticket.”

    “I’m very enthusiastic about Kamala Harris,” Newsom said during a Sunday interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “I think the American people could not do better.”


    Nobody wants to run against Trump. He has a couple of weaknesses, his relatively high disapproval rating being one of them. But if he were truly weak, power-hungry sharks like Newsom and Whitmer would be gathering in the bloody waters to finish off Harris before trying to make a meal out of Trump.

    But Trump can serve only one term. The sharks have four years to let the chaos in their party die down, build up their organizations, and make a real run for the White House in 2028. Assuming, of course, that Harris loses.

    Privately, Hochul, Newsom, et al. must be fuming. If Biden had dropped out last summer, as the semi-invalid should have, there could have been a real primary. Instead, the Cabal rigged the game for Biden, and now they’re stuck with Harris.

  • The Harris campaign certainly know how to reach out to swing state America: the campaign’s new deputy press secretary is a drag queen. “Eric Lipka, who recently worked for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), has been appointed as the Biden-Harris campaign’s deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania. According to Lipka’s social media profiles, he is a traveling ‘drag queen’ on the weekends. In an X post on July 17, Lipka revealed, ‘Thrilled to share I’ve joined the Biden-Harris campaign as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania!'”
  • Jim Geraghty points out the obvious.

    Joe Biden’s in much, much rougher shape — physically and mentally — than anyone at the White House has been willing to admit. The evidence pointing towards this isn’t just the terrible debate — you know, the historically early debate that he and his team proposed. (“Make my day, pal!”)

    And it’s not just that we didn’t see a genuinely, indisputably good performance from Biden after the debate, either, just variations of “marginally less bad.” He told George Stephanopoulos he didn’t think he watched the debate, claimed Trump was shouting during his answers, and falsely claimed he “did ten major events in a row, including until 2:00 in the morning after the debate.” In his NATO summit press conference, Biden claimed he was doing “not bad” in fundraising since the debate when actually his fundraising numbers had dropped like a stone, mixed up Trump and Harris, and insisted that no poll suggested he had no shot at beating Trump.

    The self-pitying irritability displayed in the Lester Holt interview, his inability to remember the name of his own secretary of defense in his interview with BET — it all reaffirmed that there was no better, sharper, less doddering version of Joe Biden waiting to emerge from behind the curtain.

    And most of these appearances were taped between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. — i.e., Biden in his best hours. What we were seeing was the good Joe Biden. Imagine what he’s like when he’s groggy in the morning or tired in the evenings.

    But one final factor really makes me think that Biden is in a condition where his staff believes he must not be seen by the American public. It’s that he made an announcement that ranks among the most important and consequential statements from a president in history in a letter posted on Twitter/X.

    He didn’t do it on camera. We didn’t hear his voice. We didn’t see him at all on Sunday. As of this writing, Biden hasn’t been seen Monday, and is not scheduled to make any appearances today. Biden’s last public event was a radio interview with Univision at 12:15 local time in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

  • Indeed, the suddenness of Biden’s pullout-via-tweet is pretty mysterious.

  • The Democrats just overthrew their own election.

    It actually happened. Joe Biden has succumbed to the pressure campaign from within his own party apparatus and has endorsed Kamala Harris. Assuming the Democrat convention moves forward with her coronation…er, I mean election…expect her campaign to center on three issues: abortion, abortion, and abortion. As of this writing, Biden had won 3904 delegates, whereas 5, 3, and zero had gone to Democratic challengers Jason Palmer, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson, respectively. There were no delegates for Kamala Harris, or for Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, or any of the other possible replacements. Biden had won in all 50 states and had won over 87% of the popular primary vote. This wasn’t last year or last election, this was a couple months ago.


    The Pelosi/Obama junta differs little from Thomas Crooks only in their methodology. Crooks used a gun, and Pelosi/Obama used a behind-the-scenes coup. But the goal is the same, as are the implications beneath. They, not you, decide who gets to be president and who gets dispatched to either a humiliating forced retirement or an early grave. Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter, and neither does your vote. Democrat voters would be wise to see that this is just as much a threat to their voting rights as it is to ours.

    But they won’t. That’s fine. Par for the course. If this, like the assassination attempt, doesn’t open their eyes to the raw fact that the Left will hold on to power at all costs whatsoever, then nothing will. But from this point on, they have no authority whatsoever to preach about election interference. To the extent that they sincerely felt they held the moral high ground, they just unconditionally surrendered it for the entire world to see.

    (Hat tip: Director Blue.)

  • What happens if Michelle Obama jumps in? According this electoral vote analysis, it’s much closer…but Trump still wins.
  • Jill Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race.”
  • A theory occurs to me. I’m not sure how to weigh the possibility that it’s true.

    Some commenters have theorized that the inter-Democratic-Party warfare we’ve seen over forcing Biden to quit the race is a fight between the Obama and Clinton factions of the party. I think this is wrong, because the Clintons no longer have any significant influence in the party, thanks to Hillary’s 2016 defeat.

    Obama had unusually high party backing because he was a unity candidate between the insane (Marxist-infected social justice, etc.) and corrupt (via Chicago machine politics) wings of the party. Both Clintons were part of the corrupt wing, but were not central players in it until Bill’s ascension to the White House.

    I think the recent events we’re seeing may not just be panic over polls, but the corrupt wing of the party (Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer) vetoing letting the insane Obama wing have a fourth term. Former Obama staffers have been the ones calling the shots in all policy positions in the Obama White House, and no doubt the social justice sorts have been sucking up a disproportionate share of the plum sinecures and flows of graft as well.

    The Biden Administration playing footsie with Hamas may have been the last straw by wrecking Democrats’ ability to raise funds from their traditionally vital and generous Jewish donor base. This quick falling in line behind Harris may be a sign they’re no longer willing to let Obama call the shots, and are trying to prevent installation of Michelle Obama (no matter how popular she is with the rank and file) as the presidential nominee at the DNC.

    Old line Democrats may feel (possibly correctly) that they can better survive Trump’s second administration than Obama’s fourth.

    Update: Pelosi backs Harris.