Posts Tagged ‘funny’

Greatest Movie Comedy Of All Time?

Saturday, May 14th, 2022

Some dispute my designation of This Is Spinal Tap as the funniest movie of all time in yesterday’s LinkSwarm. So let’s have a poll:


I tried to include a wide range of classic movie comedies from different eras, from silent to modern, in roughly chronological order. Feel free to add any favorites not listed in the comments below.

The Pitch Meeting for Cats

Sunday, December 29th, 2019

Is this lazy blogging?

Yes. Yes it is.

But between cleaning up for a New Year’s Eve gathering, a possible dog adoption, and cuing up Monday’s Clown Car Update, the weekend is just packed! Plus Cats is going to disappear from theaters so quickly that I need to get that jab in while it’s at least semi-relevant…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Best wishes to all my readers on Thanksgiving Day!

Enjoy a few Thanksgiving-related links:

  • Here’s William Shatner with last year’s reminder not to set yourself on fire frying a Turkey.
  • ExJon suggests that you stop driving yourself crazy with social media outrage clicks. “This Thanksgiving, and in the days to follow, choose gratitude. Be thankful for the nation, for your life, for those whom you love and those who love you, flaws and all. Like a muscle, you can strengthen this virtue with regular exercise.”
  • H.P. Lovecraft’s recipe for how to brine a turkey, plus “raise the Shape of any dead Ancestor for study and labor.” Sadly, HEB was all out of missing sailors from the Black Gulf of Tartarus…
  • From the same source: How to Survive Thanksgiving With Your Not-Quite-Leftist-Enough Family.
  • Finally, enjoy A Very Fail Army Thanksgiving, and don’t do anything shown here:

  • Dave Barry’s 2017 Roundup

    Sunday, December 31st, 2017

    Dave Barry breaks out the Dave Barry in his 2017 roundup:

    Some samples:

    It was a year so surreal, so densely populated with strange and alarming events, that you have to seriously consider the possibility that somebody — and when we say “somebody,” we mean “Russia” — was putting LSD in our water supply. A bizarre event would occur, and it would be all over the news, but before we could wrap our minds around it, another bizarre event would occur, then another and another, coming at us faster and faster, battering the nation with a Category 5 weirdness hurricane that left us hunkering down, clinging to our sanity, no longer certain what was real.

    Meanwhile the big emerging journalism story is the Russians, who, according to many unnamed sources, messed with the election. Nobody seems to know how, specifically, the Russians affected the election, but everybody is pretty sure they did something, especially CNN, which has not been so excited about a story since those heady months in 2014 when it provided 24/7 video coverage of random objects floating in the Pacific while panels of experts speculated on whether these objects might or might not have anything to do with that missing Malaysian airliner. You can tune into CNN anytime, day or night, and you are virtually guaranteed to hear the word “Russians” within 10 seconds, even if it’s during a Depends commercial.

    The biggest political story comes at the end of the month, when Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, noting that the letters in “Neil Gorsuch” can be rearranged to spell both “Heroic Lungs” and “Lunch Orgies.” Democratic leaders pledge to give Gorsuch a fair and open-minded hearing, then destroy him.

    Amazon, aka the Death Star of Retail, becomes even larger and more powerful when it announces plans to buy Whole Foods for $13.7 billion, or enough money to buy nearly four pounds of top sirloin at current Whole Foods prices.

    Facebook announces that it has reached a total of two billion users, who in 2017 alone have already posted a total of 17 trillion impassioned statements of their political views, which have changed a total of zero minds.

    With emotions running high in the wake of Charlottesville, ESPN executives decide to pull announcer Robert Lee off the broadcast of the University of Virginia football game, out of concern that his name might be disturbing to those viewers who are as stupid as ESPN executives.

    In other protest news, police in Berkeley, California, battle anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” who fight fascism by violently assaulting anybody who might do or say or think something the “antifa” deem unacceptable.

    Speaking of excitement, Hillary Clinton, responding to the insatiable public appetite for reliving the 2016 election over and over and over, comes out with her new tell-all book titled “You Idiots,” in which she candidly reveals that she was in fact a superb candidate and charming human who totally would have won the presidency had it not been for — among many other unfair obstacles that were unfairly placed in her path — James Comey, the Russians, the so-called “Electoral College,” Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee, Anthony Weiner, sexism, Barack Obama, the media, her incompetent campaign staff and the frankly unacceptable stupidity of the American public. Next stop: 2020!

    Meanwhile a major scandal engulfs the entertainment world when The New York Times reveals that powerful movie producer Harvey Weinstein, despite being a prominent supporter of all the correct causes, basically spent the past several decades lumbering around in an open bathrobe forcing himself on unreceptive women. This news comes as a big shock to members of the Hollywood community, especially coming on the heels of their recent discovery that the pope is Catholic.

    In financial news, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, seeking to prop up his nation’s collapsing economy, announces the creation of a new digital currency called the “Petro,” which will be backed by a combination of oil reserves and a magic feather. The Illinois Legislature quickly follows suit, announcing that from now on the financially troubled state will pay its debts with the “Porko,” a digital currency backed by bratwurst.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    Happy President’s Day

    Monday, February 20th, 2017

    In celebration, I’m relinking this classic Presidential knife fight post:

    In a mass knife fight to the death between every American President, who would win and why? Someone beat me to the obvious answer that a final showdown would see Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt doing a dagger-wielding version of a Mexican standoff, so I took it too far and walked through how I thought every president would turn out. An hour later the result greatly exceeded the maximum 10,000 character limit for a post, so I’ve decided to blog about it instead.

    Read the whole thing, if you haven’t already. It’s pretty much why blogging was invented…

    ShoeOnHead on “Internalized Misogyny”

    Sunday, December 11th, 2016

    ShoeOnHead seems to specialize in funny videos that Give Feminists The Business. Good for her.

    Here she goes off on “internalized misogyny,” along with a few other feminist bogeymen. “These people have an excuse and buzzword for everything. Anything to avoid any type of debate.”

    Vox Proves Its Cultural Criticism Is Just As Competent As Its Political Coverage

    Monday, September 29th, 2014

    Last night was the much-anticipated Simpsons/Family Guy crossover episode. I enjoyed it, since it played very well with the bringing the Family Guy tropes into The Simpsons universe, right down to using Hans Moleman and Kang and Kodos. The episode was definitely elevated by the Homer/Peter fight, especially when Homer starts throwing a closet full of Emmy Awards at Peter.

    Naturally, Vox hated it, with “9 ways the Family Guy/Simpsons crossover was a blight on humanity.” (Hyperbole much?)

    It being Vox, they also got the description of #7 wrong: “Peter and Homer drank gasoline out of the hose when trying to steal it, then got turned into a German porn.” They weren’t trying to steal it, they were trying to “think like a car” to find Peter’s stolen car. And we know they didn’t steal it, because Homer actually says “Keep drinking! I prepaid forty bucks!”

    Oh, and #8 and #9 are both “this show is politically incorrect! Wah!”

    Vox’s whining just makes me enjoy the crossover that much more…

    (Which is not to say that either show is above criticism, since The Simpsons is clearly past its prime and needs a new infusion of talent. I stopped watching Family Guy when both the mediocre American Dad and the unwatchable The Cleveland Show (both of which got nods in the crossover) proved that Seth McFarland was spreading himself way, way too thin; he had about the same number of laughs spread out over all three as used to be in Family Guy. Maybe it’s back to being funny enough to be worth watching now.)

    Here’s the official crossover trailer:

    And here’s the full episode I’m sure Fox’s lawyers will get yanked just as soon as they discover it:

    Asking the Important Questions: Presidential Knife Fight Edition

    Monday, September 10th, 2012

    “In a mass knife fight to the death between every American President, who would win and why?”

    Got to agree on Teddy Roosevelt. The man was just indomitable.

    (Hat tip: Ace)

    Williamson County Republicans Spend $5 Million on Donuts

    Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

    Or so their filing report would lead us to believe.

    Oh sure, you say it’s a typo. But just wait until they grab 100% of the police vote in November…