A few links of interest:
What happens when liberal fantasies, like the Euro or Global Warming, finally fall apart.
All the momentum is with Republican budget cutters. Let’s hope so…
And the reason is Obama’s fecklessness.
Today’s target of liberal ire for letting taxpayers keep more of their own money: Roth IRAs.
Oopsie! Texas Comptroller Susan Combs says that the personnel information of 3.5 million Texans was inadvertently exposed on a comptroller server.
Texas Democratic Party Chair Boyd Richie announced he’s stepping down.
China posts a trade deficit. No, really, That’s what rising food prices will do for a country whose per capita income is still less than half that of Mexico. Maybe the “China will take over the world” types can give it a rest for a while…
(Hat tips: Real Clear Politics, Ace.)