Posts Tagged ‘Ashe Schow’
Friday, June 17th, 2016
Today is a quadruple witching hour for markets, so try not to freak out if there’s more than the usual market volatility today.
“Obama Is Bringing 100 Syrian Refugees Into U.S. Every Day.”
And Syrian refugees are blowing big holes in Sweden’s welfare budget. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
The rich aren’t paying their “fair share,” they’re paying everyone’s share. (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
Swiss overwhelmingly turn down “guaranteed income,” the latest pie-in-the-sky socialist scheme to rob every Peter to pay every Paul.
David Horowitz believes that Donald Trump’s post-Orlando foreign policy speech is a game changer. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
Not a game-changer: Continued vapid liberal cheer-leading for multiculturalism at all costs. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
“Orlando wasn’t about ‘gun violence’ or ‘homophobia.’ It was about Islam. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
Yet another MSM journalist caught lying about guns.
“Why it’s called a ‘modern sporting rifle‘ and not an ‘assault weapon.'” (Hat tip: Instapundit, who notes “Remember, none of this is about saving lives. It’s about the cultural domination of the people in flyover country, by their coastal ‘betters’ who get a near-erotic thrill out of such domination, and who are reduced to blind rage whenever their efforts at domination fail.”)
Aside: Is the Washington Examiner paying Ashe Schow enough? She’s like some indefatigable writing machine…
The Corrosive Politics of the New York Times Editorial Board Led to the Orlando Shooting. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
“Right now the debate seems choked with people who don’t know, are proud of not knowing, and think you’re a redneck gun-nut asshole if you want them to know because they feel very strongly about this.” (Hat tip: Dwight.)
No charges for officer Brad Miller. He’s the one who shot the “unarmed teen” who had driving his Jeep through a plate glass window and was in the process of vandalizing cars.
And here’s a police shooting where the use of lethal force was clearly justified.
JFK and LSD. Meh. It’s not that I think Kennedy wouldn’t have dropped acid given a chance, but Timothy Leary was basically a con man, and we already know that Nina Burleigh is irrational.
Wow, believe it or not, still another reason to never visit Oklahoma. “I’m going to need your driver’s license and all the money on your prepaid debit cards.”
“The prohibition of comments that are considered biased or hateful is an explicit denial of freedom of speech.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
Australia’s women’s Olympic soccer team defeated by teenage boys.
Are shipping containers the future of farming?
Your auditor finds huge cost discrepancies in Houston ISD construction costs. Does HISD: A.) Call in an outside auditor, B.) Launch a criminal investigation or C.) Suspend the auditor who found the problems?
New UT President Greg Fenves is a vast improvement over Bill Powers merely by being mediocre.
Land’s End decides to commit suicide.
Father buys car for son to go to college. Son decides to smoke pot and hang with no-good friends instead. Father sells car.
You’re not authorized to know the dire secrets of the Amtrak snack car! (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
Affluent buyers snapping up Hill Country land and building mansions.
Tags:2016 Election, 2016 Presidential Race, Ashe Schow, Border Controls, Crime, David Horowitz, Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Greg Fenves, Guns, Hill Country, Houston, Houston Independent School District, JFK, Jihad, Land's End, Media Watch, Nina Burleigh, Orlando, Switzerland, Texas, University of Texas, Welfare State
Posted in Border Control, Crime, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Guns, Jihad, Texas, Welfare State | No Comments »
Monday, April 6th, 2015
I might have an analysis of the the Iranian nuclear deal later, or I might now, depending on how my taxes are going…
UN Human Rights chief praises Islamic State for “diversity.” No, really, that happened. It’s not a parody from The Onion. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)
Professor finds that texts of Islam are, in fact, more violent than those of other religions.
The Columbia Journalism Review investigation of the Rolling Stone University of Virginia rape hoax story is out, and found massive problems with the reporting…
…many of which Ashe Schow highlights.
But despite the numerous journalistic problems with the piece, no one is getting fired. Lying to support the victimhood identity politics narrative means never having to lose your job…
Speaking of which: Fraternity brothers perpetrate vicious rape. Wait, did I say “perpetrate”? I meant “prevent.” (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
Earlier: “Sorry I lead you on when I got drunk.” Later: “What I really meant was you raped me!”
The Obama Administration’s reckless engagement with Iran is probably the biggest reason Netanyahu won his surprise victory.
The Atlanta Federal Reserve forecast has cut Gross Domestic Product growth estimates in the first quarter from 2.3% to 0.0%. Unexpectedly!
Ted Cruz raises $4 million in 8 days. As the New York Times notes, the vast majority is from small donors and can be spent in the primary.
Being a liberal means never having to actually weigh evidence.
Muslim group kills Red Cross worker.
What town wanted: Statue of Lucille Ball. What town got: Statue of zombie lobotomized alcoholic Amelia Earhart.
Tags:Ashe Schow, Columbia Journalism Review, Crime, Democrats, economy, Islam, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jihad, Lucille Ball, Media Watch, rape, Rolling Stone, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Ted Cruz, victimhood
Posted in Crime, Democrats, Jihad, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »