Posts Tagged ‘al-Shabaab (Mozambique)’

Islamist Insurgency Besieges Mozambique City

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

In our media’s relentless drive to sift through old tweets, there are several ongoing news stories given short shrift, such as an Islamist insurgency in Mozambique laying siege to a small city:

Tens of thousands of people are feared to have been displaced following a deadly attack by Islamic State-linked insurgents on a gas hub town in northern Mozambique, aid agencies said, as rescuers searched for survivors on Tuesday.

Many of those fleeing were believed to have scattered into dense forest or to have attempted to escape by boat when Palma came under attack on Wednesday, aid workers told Reuters. Some waded out to sea to hide, one survivor said.

Mozambique’s government has confirmed dozens of deaths, including at least seven killed when militants ambushed a convoy of vehicles trying to escape a besieged hotel on Friday. Witnesses have described bodies in the streets, some of them beheaded.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said it continued to receive reports of clashes in Palma and nearby areas on Tuesday.

“It’s a real humanitarian catastrophe,” Lola Castro, World Food Programme regional director, told Reuters. “People are … scattered all over the place – by boat, by road.”

Reuters has not been able to independently verify the accounts from Palma, a logistics hub for adjacent gas projects worth around $60 billion led by oil majors including Total. Most communications to the town were cut on Wednesday. Phone calls to Mozambique’s government and security officials went unanswered on Tuesday.

Among the “shithole countries” in Africa, Mozambique (like many former Portuguese colonies) is one of the shitholiest, having suffered grievously under the policies of communist scumbag Samora Machel in the 1980s, and their per capita GDP is one of the lowest in the world. A majority Christian nation, Mozambique has been fighting an Islamist insurgency carried out by Ansar al-Sunna, AKA Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo, AKA al-Shabaab, AKA the Islamic State, in Cabo Delgado province since 2015, and their jihadist modus operandi is very similar to that of Nigeria’s Boko Haram. Indeed, the Islamists brag about killing Christians. The Russian mercenary Wagner Group was hired to fight them, but don’t seem to have made any noticeable difference.

A certain base level of Islamist insurgency seems to infect much of Africa. Both the Trump Administration and the French have poured considerable (if under-reported) military counter-insurgency assets into the Sahel in northern Africa, but thus far none have been involved in Mozambique. That may be about to change, thanks to a recent agreement between Mozambique and the U.S. government for U.S. special forces to train local forces, and the State Department designating al-Shabaab as a terrorist organization. Portugal is also sending some 60 trainers to help fight the insurgency.

The precedent of Boko Haram suggests that Mozambique will be battling al-Shabaab for some time to come.