Posts Tagged ‘Saturday Night Live’

Ted Cruz Christmas Classics

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

It’s funny enough…

I hear this is supposed to run during Saturday Night Live tonight…

How SNL Fluffs the Hillary Campaign

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Saturday Night Live did a skit on the Democratic Presidential debate:

On the surface it’s a skit that ostensibly takes a shot at everyone equally (and even touches on Hillary’s email scandal). However, take a look at one central visual fact:

  • Hillary Clinton, who is 67 years old (68 on October 26) is played by Kate McKinnon, who is 31 years old.
  • Bernie Sanders, who is 74, is played by Larry David, who is 68.
  • So Sanders is played by someone Hillary Clinton’s age (old), and Hillary Clinton is played by someone half her age (young). The skit is constructed to reinforce the false Sanders old, Clinton young impression, which suggests the reason why SNL choose non-cast-member Larry David to play Sanders. David did write for the show during the 1984—1985 season (where he worked with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who he would later cast in Seinfeld); to put it another way, David worked on SNL the same year McKinnon was born.

    Washington Post “Fact-Checks” An SNL Skit

    Monday, November 24th, 2014

    You know that Saturday Night Live Schoolhouse Rock parody I put up yesterday?

    The Washington Post actually put up fact-checking piece on it.

    Hey, remember all those times the Washington Post fact-checked SNL skits of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin?

    Me neither.

    Twitchy had a field day.

    Other important Washington Post fact-checks:

    The lengths to which Obama’s media praetorian guard will go to protect him are officially beyond parody.

    SNL Updates Schoolhouse Rock for the Obama Era

    Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

    Who needs all that tedious Bill-wrangling on Capitol Hill when you can just issue an Executive Order?

    I’m Gonna Get Me A Shotgun And Kill All the Whiteys That I See!

    Monday, August 26th, 2013

    Ayo Kimathi is an employee at the Department of Homeland Security. His job description? Purchasing ammunition and weapons. He’s also the owner of, a website dedicated to advocating the murder of white people.”

    The cherry on top? “He’s also a homophobe.”

    This was on a lot of blogs last week, but I’m linking to it now so I can embed this classic SNL video of Garrett Morris singing “I’m Gonna Get Me A Shotgun And Kill All the Whiteys That I See!”, which I think embodies the spirit of Kimathi’s website.

    Update: That video appears to be dead, so here’s one of Garrett Morris talking about it that includes just a snippet of it.

    Catchy little ditty, isn’t it?

    (Hat top: Ace.)

    Wisconsin Democrats Go for the Walter Mondale Strategy

    Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

    The one where you tell potential voters “I’m going to raise your taxes.” We all know how well that worked out for him:

    Sadly, the Saturday Night Live “What Were You Thinking?” skit with Mondale does not appear to be anywhere online…

    LinkSwarm for Monday, May 9, 2011

    Monday, May 9th, 2011

    A few links of potential interest:

  • “Candygram.”
  • Al-Zarqawi complains about his new roommate.
  • Cracks in the Eurozone. Deficits have consequences.
  • “Each hid his homosexuality, each was racist, each took pains to manufacture favorable coverage, each was driven by petty hatreds instead of shining ideals.” Who’s that? Would you believe Gandhi and Malcolm X?
  • I don’t know why people think the SEIU is a communist organization. I mean, it’s not like they held a parade with the communist party and marched with pro-communist signs. Wait, what?
  • I’m in favor of allowing concealed carry in more place, but not extending that expanded right only to state government employees. That’s like letting legislators drive 10 mile and hour faster than the speed limit because its “convenient.” If this bill was for all CHL holders, I’d be for it, but it’s not. Evidently some animals are more equal than others.