Posts Tagged ‘Free Speech’

One Lakeway Man’s War Against Speed Traps

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Meet Lance Mitchell, the man who runs He not only founded a website to warn people about speed traps, he actually stood up the road from one in his home of speedtrap-crazy Lakeway in his bright orange “Speed Trap Ahead” t-shirt…and got arrested for his troubles. The charge? Among others: illegal signage. For wearing a t-shirt.

Federal courts have pretty regularly held t-shirts to be a form of free speech (see Boroff v. Van Wert City Board of Education, for example), so it’s no surprise that all the charges were dismissed, and Mitchell has reached a settlement with Lakeway on his own lawsuit.

(Hat tip: Fark.)

This Week in Jihad for November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Sadly, Jihad doesn’t wait for American holidays, so here’s a roundup of related news:

NRA’s Sell-Out: It’s Official

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

The NRA officially announces they’re selling out to the Pelosi congress’ anti-free speech agenda.

This is a bad decision that will cause them to lose members. You don’t knife your friends in the back to make deals with your enemies, and you don’t make deals with the butcher to stand aside while he slaughters the other animals in exchange for being eaten last. And as long as Pelosi is Speaker, “pro-gun Democrats” can only be considered as pro-2nd Amendment as Bart Stupak was pro-life, i.e. right up to the point that it becomes a choice between their “principles” and the dictates of the Democratic leadership, and then their principles can be bought off with a empty promise.

Members should still contact the NRA at all levels to know this is unacceptable. You can also call them at 1-800-672-3888, or use the NRA PVF fund form.

NRA Selling Out on Free Speech to Obama/Pelosi/Reid?

Monday, June 14th, 2010

So the reports go that they’ve cut a deal on the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act. Pelosi and company are besides themselves with joy.

Members might want to contact the NRA at all levels to know this is a very bad idea. You can also call them at 1-800-672-3888.

And here’s the NRA PVF fund form.