Posts Tagged ‘Iran’

This Week in Jihad for December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Another week, another batch of news from the world of Jihad:

This Week in Jihad

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Now back to a less happy task: rounding up jihad-related news over the last week:

(Hat tip: The usual suspects under “Jihad” on your right.)

As a side note, I would be interested to hear if anyone actually finds these weekly roundups useful. I put these up and get very little feedback on them…

This Week in Jihad

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Jihad waits for no man, so here’s another roundup of news:

(Hat tips: Jihadwatch, MEMRI, Michael Totten, etc.)

Symantic’s Extensive Analysis of the Stuxnet Worm

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Available here.

My hacking skills are pretty much limited to writing “Hello World” in Python on a good day, but even a cursory glance shows that Stuxnet is a very sophisticated beast indeed. Let’s hope it delivered a critical blow to Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

This Week in Jihad

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Just because the U.S. has an election doesn’t mean Islamic fundamentalists rest. So here’s a roundup of Islamic- and Jihad-related news from around the world.

The Stuxnet Worm: Set Pants to Brown Alert

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

The Weekly Standard has an interesting piece on The Stuxnet worm. It seems designed to attack Iran’s nuclear program, was in the wild for more than six months before being detected, featured stolen digital signature keys (which may have involved actual physical espionage) and used an off-the charts four zero-day exploits, which is pretty much unheard of.

We really, really better hope that we or the Israelis wrote this thing, because if not, there’s a team of scary-good black hat hackers out there (from the description of how large and sophisticated it is, and all the different things it does, makes me think it took at least ten really good hackers more than a year to create) that can physically destroy major infrastructure targets through code almost at will. You really, really don’t want a team of “non-state actors” to have those capabilities…

I suspect we’re getting a glimpse of what the opening rounds of the next major war will look like…

Obama Administration Gives OK to $60 Billion Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, but I didn’t notice that the Obama Administration had approved a $60 billion (with a B) arms sale to Saudi Arabia until Instapundit linked to that Jonathan Tepperman piece.

I have mixed feelings about the deal.

  • The Saudis are not our friends. The ties between the House of Saud and fundamentalist Wahabbist Islam go back over two centuries, and Wahabbism is (along with the fundamentalist Shia of Khomeinist Iran, and the teachings of Hassan al-Banna and his followers in the Muslim Brotherhood) one of the chief sources retrograde radicalism in modern Islam, an influence that the Saudis have continued to support with their petrodollars to this very day.
  • My impression (and if someone has any contradicting evidence, feel free to share it in the comments below) is that the Saudi’s continuing support for Wahabbism is one of manipulative cynicism rather than deep religious belief. The Saudi ruling class is happy to swill alcohol and enjoy other forbidden Western pleasures behind closed doors, but continues to support Wahabbism as both a means of controlling their own country’s populace, and of maintaining their influence in the Ummah, the worldwide community of Islamic believers. Whether this makes them more or less evil is a matter of interpretation.
  • Despite their outward hostility to Jews and ostensible support of Palestinian nationhood, one of the biggest open secrets in the Middle East is that the Saudis are in regular secret communication with Israeli leadership about matters of mutual interest. (Also, the Saudis, much like the vast majority of Arabs everywhere, don’t really give a rat’s ass about the Palestinians.)
  • Their biggest area of shared concern is a nuclear armed Iran, which both view as an existential threat to their existence (albeit it of different types). This is why, as the Atlantic piece notes, Israel hasn’t lifted a finger to stop the arms sale.

On that basis, the arms sale should probably be approved. But it’s no substitute for actually taking out Iran’s nuclear program, or the mullahs pushing it.

Israel’s Possible Strike on Iran: Reactions

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

There have been a lot of reactions to the Jeffrey Goldberg piece on the coming Israel attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons program I talked about here.

The issue is discussed with the ever-irrepressible Christopher Hitchens. Conclusion? If Iran continues to pursue nuclear weapons, “I see no reason not to take out the regime.”

As usual, Ezra Klein and Juan Cole are clueless.

JournoList-founder Klein believes a strike would “make the Arab world in general, and Iran and various terrorist organizations, hate Israel even more.” The problems with this statement:

  1. Only for organizations already committed to Israel’s destruction and/or Iranian-backed groups (Hezbollah and Hamas), who will mainly be angry that Israel deprived them of far more potent weapons. A temporary increase in activity from the people who already want to see you dead seems like a good tradeoff for preventing a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic of Iran.
  2. Probably not for the majority of Sunni Arabs, most of whom regard Persian Shias with at best indifference and at worst racist xenophobia and contempt. Sure, they hate Jews worse, but beyond certain Muslim Brotherhood offshoots, there is very little in the way “Pan-Islamic Unity” in the Middle East.
  3. Ditto for for the Turks. Erdogan’s Islamist- and Iranian-leaning government would no doubt make a great deal of noise, but do very little in the way of concrete actions that they weren’t already pursuing against Israel, and the average Sunni Turk is likely to lose little sleep over an attack against Shia Persians.
  4. The leaders of most Arab countries seem to want the Iranians stopped as well. That would suggest that there will be very little response from those states beyond pro forma disapproval.
  5. Given that Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already called for Israel to be wiped off the map, how much more could they hate Israel?

For his part, Juan Cole (after the usual conservative-bashing and name-calling) says:

Bibi Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, is for all his bluster far too personally indecisive to take such a major step (and certainly not without an American green light; Bibi thinks Clinton had him undermined and moved out of office for obstructing the Oslo accords, and does not want to risk the same fate for causing trouble for Obama in Iraq and Afghanistan)

This ignores the fact that the Dovish wing of Israeli politics has all but disappeared since the Oslo accords, in the wake of Arafat’s intransigence, Hamas’ takeover of Gaza, the war against Hezbollah, etc. Kadima, Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu are the three largest parties in Israel, and none are going to bring down the Netanyahu government should he order a strike on Iran. Even Kadima, the leftmost of those three, considers Iran’s nuclear program an existential threat. Kadima leader Tzipi Livni sounds only slightly less firm than Netanyahu, stating that “the free world cannot afford Iran with a nuclear weapon.”

Also, he ignores the fact that if it did come down to losing his job, or failing to prevent a nuclear holocaust against his nation, Netanyahu’s choice will still be pretty easy to make.

Finally, former UN Ambassador John Bolton says Israel needs to strike within eight days.

Israel’s Coming Attack on Iran

Monday, August 16th, 2010

This Jeffrey Goldberg article on the late stage of Iran’s nuclear project, and Israel’s need to stop it before completion, is essential reading. Goldberg has spent a lot of time talking to just about all the major players in Israel, and has come to some sobering conclusions. Such as the fact that if Iran won’t halt it’s nuclear program (it won’t) and Obama doesn’t have the United States (which is far better equipped to make sure a strike actually destroys targeted facilities) launch a strike instead, which seems very unlikely, then Israel will have no choice to strike on their own, and probably sometime in the next 12 months.

Israel perceives (quite correctly) that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear weapons project is an existential threat, something that could completely destroy the nation in a second shoah. Given that the first shoah happened within living memory, Israel is never going to let that happen. Other Middle Eastern states like Saudi Arabia have made no secret of the fact that they support a strike to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, even if it means letting the Israelis do it. Their biggest worry is that Israeli won’t be able to do enough damage to significantly set the mullah’s nuclear ambitions back.

Which is, of course, why many hope Obama will order a U.S. strike. Personally, I see nothing in Obama’s decisions thus far to indicate he actually cares enough about foreign policy in general (at least beyond basking in the approval of “the right kind” of transnational elites), much less the “hard” diplomacy of actually threatening military action, much less carrying through, to see him making a credible threat against the mullahs. Or indeed, of doing anything at all beyond throwing up his hands and saying “We tried!” when toothless UN sanctions fail and the mullah’s detonate their first nuclear device. All of his “outreach” to the Muslim world will prove to be meaningless if the other power-holders in the Middle East believe his resolve is inferior to those of the mullahs and drift into Iran’s orbit out of self-preservation, especially since compromise is viewed as weakness. Arabs respect the powerful and despise the powerless.

It looks like Obama is going to get a another war in the Middle East whether he wants one or not. The only question is whether it will be on his terms, or the mullah’s.

Fun With Lawsuits

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Step 1. Journalist accuses National Iranian American Council (NIAC) of lobbying for the Iranian government (a no-no under federal law)
Step 2. NAIC sues journalist.
Step 3. Journalist files discovery motion against NAIC.
Step 4. Discovered emails prove NAIC is an Iranian front group.
Step 5. D’oh!