Demolition Ranch’s Matt Carriker offers up a short, heart-felt video on the fact that would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks was wearing a Demo Ranch shirt when he committed his crime.
“It sucks.”
Carriker stays away from politics on his channel.
Says something like this shouldn’t happen to anyone, on any political side, and offers condolences to survivors.
Says, just like wearing Nikes, anyone can buy a Demo Ranch t-shirt.
“It’s unfortunate, but it’s not what we stand for, and it will never be what we stand for. We’re going to keep keep trucking.”
“When you’re watching a a CNN article and it says three names, the shooter’s, Trump’s, and mine, that was not on my 2024 bingo card.”
It was succinct, heartfelt, effective, and hit all the necessary notes. It’s as good as I’ve seen the Difficult But Necessary Speech done this side of David Letterman.
So much for my plans to post light video content today.
Given the flood of news stories, blog posts and videos, I wasn’t sure I had a good angle on the assassination attempt against Donald Trump by (according to police reports) 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, one that would do anything to enlighten my readers that hadn’t already been done before.
But Russo-Ukrainian War YouTuber Suchomimus put up a video that I think admirably elucidates spatial awareness of the attempted assassination:
Initial reports made me think the would-be assassin was in front of Trump, but he was actually off to Trump’s right side. The Secret Service counter-sniper was behind Trump.
Analyzing footage, Suchomimus comes to the conclusion that the Secret Service spotted the would-be assassin a split second before he opened fire on Trump, adjusted their sights, and shot him just as the first bullet was fired and grazed Trump’s ear.
“As for Donald Trump’s reaction, he handled it amazingly well.”
Sky News has an overview and footage of the shooting at about 2:30 in:
Like every other dramatic shooting event, a lot of the initial information (including the shooter’s name) was wrong.
Beyond this, there’s a lot of noise (a registered Republican who donated to Act Blue and wore a Demolition Ranch t-shirt?) that I don’t want to try untangling at this late hour.