Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Jason Isaac has a Prager U video analysis of the reasons behind the great Texas ice storm blackouts.
The analysis will be familiar to regular readers: Over-investment in unreliable, subsidized renewable energy meant under-investment in reliable fossil fuel and nuclear necessary for base load reliability.
As the one-eyed myopic liberal in the land of the blind, there are a bunch of Bill Maher videos that I’ve almost posted, only to get about three-quarters of the way in and go “Nah, too smarmy.” Or “Not funny enough.” Or “Too much gratuitous Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
But this one, on the state of higher education, was just good enough to pull the trigger on.
Ignore the swipe at Florida, the swipe at Trump, and the several pregnant “please clap” pauses,
“Let’s talk about what higher education in America really is: A racket, that sells you a very expensive ticket to the upper middle class.”
“We imagine going to college is the way to fight income inequality, but actually it does the reverse.”
“Is it really liberal for someone who doesn’t go to college and makes less money to pay for those who do go and make more?”
“Colleges have turned into giant, luxury babysitters anxious to indulge every student whim.”
“A third of students now spend less than five hours a week studying, and when they do it’s for their onerous magna cum bullshit course load of Sports Marketing History Through Twitter, Advanced Racist Spotting, Intro To Microaggressions, and You Owe Me An Apology 101.”
“Say what you want about Lori Laughlin, at least she understood one good scam deserves another.”
“Since 1985, the average cost of college has risen 500%.”
Plus thoughts on grade inflation and credentialism.