Posts Tagged ‘scam’

“Conservative Action Fund” Is Another Dan Backer Scam PAC

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

I just got a Breitbart direct email solicitation from a “Conservative Action Fund” talking about David Perdue’s race against Michelle Nunn in Georgia.

Well, guess what? Conservative Action Fund is another Dan Backer scam PAC, just like Patriots for Economic Freedom.

You know how much money they’ve contributed to conservative candidates in 2014? Zero.

If you want to contribute money to David Perdue, do it directly.

And Breitbart should kick “Conservative Action Fund” off their list of accepted advertisers.

“Patriots for Economic Freedom” is a Scam PAC

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

I’m on enough mailing lists that I get a lot of campaign/PAC/etc. solicitations. One of the ones I get pretty regularly in email are missives from “Patriots for Economic Freedom” seemingly soliciting for one or another notable conservative candidates.

Take, for example, this one for Ted Cruz. They’ve also done solicitations featuring Allen West and Mia Love, and I just got one this morning for Oklahoma Senate candidate T. W. Shannon.

Just one tiny little problem: Ted Cruz never authorized Patriots for Economic Freedom to solicit on his behalf.

Well, actually two problems: The money Patriots for Economic Freedom raises doesn’t seem to get to the candidates. Indeed, the lion’s share seems to go to consultants Tyler Whitney and Dan Backer.

That’s right: “Patriots for Economic Freedom” is a scam PAC, and has been pulling their scam since at least 2012.

I don’t know who exactly is selling Patriots for Economic Freedom their email list (though I’m looking in your direction, NRO and Breitbart), but they need to stop. Every dollar spent supporting a scam PAC is a dollar not spent actually supporting a conservative candidate.

And someone should consider suing Patriots for Economic Freedom for false advertising.

And if you want to donate to Allen West, Mia Love or T.W. Shannon, do it directly.

New Funeral Home Phising Scam

Friday, March 14th, 2014

Well here’s a new scam:

We would like to express our deepest sorrow for the untimely death of your beloved
friend and inform you about the life service celebration that will take place at
Hubbell Funeral Home on March 13, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.

Please follow this link to get funeral invitation.
Please be there to honor the memory of your friend with her closest people.

Our best wishes and prayers,
Alexander Howard,
Funeral home assistant

Yeah, it’s a phising scam.

Needless to say, don’t click on that link…