Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

LinkSwarm for January 19, 2018

Friday, January 19th, 2018

This morning starts with Republican house members calling for the release of a deeply disturbing secret memo that evidently relates to the whole FISA/Clinton/Obama misuse of America’s national security assets to spy on Domestic political opponents, including Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign. House members who have read the memo say the scandal unveiled is “worse than Watergate.” Those reading this blog should already be broadly familiar with the outlines of the scandal.

However, since that memo hasn’t been released as of this writing, on with a regular Friday LinkSwarm.

Oh, and Democrats are still threatening a government shutdown over illegal alien amnesty for Obama’s “Dreamers.” So you’ve got that to look forward to as well.

  • Speaking of “Dreamers” (which, by the way, is also the name of a porn store in north Austin), illegal aliens of “Dreamer” age have a crime rate double that of American citizens.
  • Including the accused cop killer who says he “wish he killed more of the motherfuckers.”
  • “Analysis: Leftism is a status machine. A very, very successful status machine. Conservatives have lost status battle after status battle, often because they fought it as a policy battle. It rarely is.”

    The media offers people clues about what things are high status within the areas they cover. People notice, and act accordingly. Yet most conservatives still don’t understand Trump’s response:

    If I lower the media’s status, I will wreck their power.

    So The Donald says that the media has “some of the most dishonest people” he has ever seen. Not an arm’s length complaint. A direct and personal status attack, rooted in truth.

    Trump also acts in ways that cause journalists to fulfill his pre-suasion labeling. He makes “outrageous” statements, which many people outside the Beltway Bubble agree with. Those statements receive over-the-top media attacks, which make his enemies look ridiculous. Then events swiftly show that Trump had a point. Trump rubs it in, using the media’s own “Fake News” term against them and pouncing on every sloppy and dishonest mistake. As a final topper, Trump makes the dishonest media a focus during every massive rally. Which strengthens his out-grouping effect among participants and viewers.

    He uses ridicule and lèse majesté, not bended knee and appeals — note that subordinating word — to logical argument.

  • Jim Goad offers a brief essay on comparative shitholes:

    In terms of life expectancy, Norway leads the pack at 81.8 years. Then comes the USA (79.3), with a sudden drop to 63.5 years for Haitians and a mere 55.0 years for Somalians.

    Norway also wins the blue ribbon when it comes to per-capita income, which is a staggering 38 times that of Haitians and 173 times that of Somalians.

    The noble Norsemen also win when it comes to their nation’s mean IQ, which is 100 compared to the USA’s 98. Somalia (68) and Haiti (67) both suffer a mean IQ that is below the commonly accepted cutoff line for “retarded.”

    The only category where the USA comes out on top is the percentage of the population with access to improved sanitation facilities—one index claims that 100% of Americans can find a functional toilet if they try. Next comes Norway at 98.1%. Haiti (27.6%) and Somalia (23.5%) are far, far worse. According to Wikipedia, “Sewer systems and wastewater treatment are nonexistent” in Haiti, which would mean the country is a literal shithole.

  • Andrew McCarthy goes into great detail about what a nothingburger the entire Trump-Russia conspiracy fantasy is. Though larded up with the requisite National Review distaste for Trump, it does include a few valuable nuggets I hadn’t chanced across heretofore, including that the law firm of BakerHostetler was who was funneling payments from Natalia Veselnitskaya and Prevezon Holdings to Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. (Hat tip: Ann Althouse.)
  • Is Sweden contemplating sending the army to regain control over no-go zones?
  • Democratic Senator Patty Murray’s office: “We don’t care about anti-Semitism in this office,” Murray’s senior adviser said. “We care about transgenders, we care about blacks, we care about Hispanics, we care about gays, we care about lesbians, we care about the disabled.”
  • Switzerland Rejects Citizenship Bids of Residents Who Have Been on Welfare.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • Speaking of which: “Swiss town denies passport to Dutch vegan because she is ‘too annoying.'”
  • Why hasn’t power been restored to Puerto Rico? Maybe because Puerto Rican authorities were hoarding bital electrical equipment?
  • Austin on finalist list for Amazon’s second headquarters.
  • Baltmore’s mayor fires the police commissioner.
  • Dear Millennials: It has been scientifically proven that your music sucks.
  • East Coast Comicon bans Kevin “Hercules” Sorbo because he’s friends with Sean Hannity.
  • Dolores O’Riordan, the lead singer for The Cranberries, dead at the untimely age of 46.
  • Former Senator, Republican Majority leader, Presidential candidate and World War II veteran Bob Dole just received the Congressional Gold Medal. Best tweet from the event:

  • Gonna pass on the expedited shipping, thanks.
  • A little light today, but I want to hit publish on this before that memo drops…

    LinkSwarm for January 5, 2016

    Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

    I hope everyone else has had a happier New Year than I, since my father passed away after a long battle with cancer Sunday.

    On the plus side, I saw the new Star Wars and the Texans made the playoffs. Doesn’t quite balance out, though…

  • Remember: It’s OK to rape 13-year olds as long as you’re a well-connected Democratic Party donor. Remember, this is the case that had Bill Clinton taking the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island.
  • “Nobody needed criminal convictions to drop Cosby – just multiple accusations of sexual assault and some out-of-court payouts. But multiple accusations of sexual assault, out-of-court payouts and the loss of his law license are apparently not enough to bar Bill Clinton from another eight years in the White House.”
  • Hillary Cliton’s many conflicts of interest:

    At Hillary Clinton’s confirmation hearing for secretary of state, she promised she would take “extraordinary steps…to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

    Later, more than two dozen companies and groups and one foreign government paid former President Bill Clinton a total of more than $8 million to give speeches around the time they also had matters before Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.

    Fifteen of them also donated a total of between $5 million and $15 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the family’s charity, according to foundation disclosures.

  • Six things a Washington Post reporter found out following Ted Cruz around. “The majority of the undecided voters I have spoken with have said they were very impressed after hearing Cruz speak. Many of them said they were undecided coming into a rally and supported him when it was over.”
  • Obama to judicial branch: “Screw you, I’m going to give work permits to illegal aliens you’ve ordered deported.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • “Unfortunately, 2016, the little of it that we have so far seen, is already beginning to look like another year of Grim Slide, of a world stumbling down a slippery slope to become less secure, less stable, and less free.”
  • People are forgetting what an awful festering hellhole the Soviet Union was.
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia have severed diplomatic relations over Saudi execution of a Shiite cleric, and Kuwait has recalled their ambassador from Tehran; don’t be surprised if the other Sunni nations follow suit. Good thing we have a Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House…
  • Turkey’s Prime Minister: Hey, you know who was a model of effective leadership? Adolf Hitler.
  • Swiss General: Europe “On The Verge Of Civil War,” Citizens Must Arm Themselves.
  • Oslo police: “We Have Lost the City.”

    It looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly just next to the Gronland subway station.

    It’s not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected. The police have largely given up. Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away.

  • Mass sexual assaults involving up to 1,000 Arab men on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
  • “IRS Employee Whose Job Was Assisting Victims Of Identity Theft Charged In $1 Million Identity Theft Tax Fraud.” (Hat tip: Instapundit)
  • Rahm Emanuel’s failure in Chicago is emblematic of the blue model failure in America’s cities. “The city’s bloated pension obligations have already forced Emanuel to make severe education cuts. It will continue to force cuts in city services in various cities, making it harder and harder for mayors to govern, and increasing the antagonism among various constituencies.”
  • Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar.” Plus this: “Between 2012 and 2014 the number of black permit holders increased from 10,389 to 17,594, according to the report.”
  • Mississippi Democratic City Councilman urges constituents to hurl rocks and bricks at the police.
  • Armed mother successfully defends home and children against three armed thugs. But gun-grabbers want to disarm her
  • Bahamas resort project gives in to Chinese demands to secure more construction loans. Result: Bankruptcy.
  • Ben Carson’s campaign staff quits. There’s a reason president of the United States isn’t an entry-level job…
  • Former feminist now a pro-life activist who is disillusioned with feminism. (Hat tip: John C. Wright.)
  • Confessions of a social justice warrior white knight. “Their communities thrive on self loathing disguised as elitism…SJWs insist their goal is to make everyone equal, and for a long time I believed it, but their communities actually enforce factionalism and division.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • Wendy Davis: Still digging.
  • Norway Shooter Anders Behring Breivik: Deadlier and Weirder

    Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

    The case of alleged Oslo bomber and Utoya island shooter Anders Behring Breivik gets stranger. The only constant seems to be that whatever I say about him in this post is likely to be proven wrong by the time I put up the next:

  • This does not seem to be an act of Islamic terrorism (despite the claim of responsibility by Ansar al-Islam).
  • The death toll is now being reported as 92, despite my earlier incredulity. That would make Breivik the deadliest spree shooter/active shooter in the history of the world.
  • How did he manage to kill so many? Evidently Breivik was dressed as a policeman and had an hour and a half to carry out his spree, since the real police couldn’t even reach the island for 40 minutes. (Remember, when seconds count, the police are minutes away.)

    Why didn’t anyone shoot back? Because in Norway, though they have much laxer gun control laws than the rest of Europe, self defense “is practically never accepted as a reason for gun ownership.” And weapons cannot be carried loaded.

    Why did he do it? A lot of reports say he’s a “right-wing extremist” and/or an “anti-immigration/anti-Muslim” extremist.

    There are translations of some of his writings/Internet posts up. A quick skim does show an anti-multiculturalism/anti-Muslim immigration bias. How killing Norwegian children furthers that cause is unclear. If anything, his killing spree would probably damage the cause of opposing the Islamization of Europe.

    Is he crazy? Well, you have to be crazy and/or evil to open fire on a group of children, but even in translation his writings don’t have the rambling, impenetrable quality that Jared Lee Loughner’s screeds have. To me it seems like that Breivik will be found sane and face the maximum penalty.

    Which, in Norway, is 21 years in jail. Or less than 3 months a murder.

    Here are the top twelve search terms for people reaching my blog today:

    anders behring breivik black metal
    anders behring breivik metal
    anders behring breivik jew
    anders breivik black metal
    anders behring breivik freemason
    anders behring breivik opus dei
    anders behring breivik jewish
    anders behring breivik “black metal”
    anders behring black metal
    anders behring breivik convert
    anders behring breivik muslim convert

    Uh folks, most of those terms were included in my post as a joke

    There’s the problem with conspiracy theories: Evidently a conspiracy can be behind any evil action, even those that don’t appreciably advance the interests of said conspiracy. I cannot for the life of me see how shooting Norwegian schoolchildren would further the cause of either the Pope or the Elders of Zion in taking over the world. [Just to be clear: Pope=Real guy, no particular plan for world domination beyond proselytizing, Elders of Zion=fake Jewish conspiracy group created by the Czar’s secret police and regurgitated by every brain-dead anti-semite since. I wouldn’t think you would need to explain these things, but those search stats above and some recent comments suggest otherwise…]

    The black metal reference was a half-joke, since the early Norway black metal scene did result in a rash of church burnings back in the 1990s, and a government building bombing wouldn’t be a giant leap. (The lads seemed to have calmed down a bit since, though Varg Vikernes, the black metal musician convicted not only of arson, but also of murdering a band-mate, was released from prison in 2009. Remember that 21 year limit? Vikernes served 16 years.)

    New York Times “80 Dead” Number in Oslo Shooting Almost Certainly Wrong

    Friday, July 22nd, 2011

    The New York Times is reporting 80 dead in the shooting spree attributed to Anders Behring Breivik. That’s almost certainly a mistranslation or a wild exaggeration. While theoretically possible, it would make him not only far and away the most deadly “active shooter” ever, but the death toll for his victims would be higher than that of Texas Tower Sniper Charles Whitman, Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho and Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold combined.

    I’m not buying it.

    Oslo Bombing Update: 7 Dead, Ansar al-Jihad Takes Responsibility, More Shot at Youth Camp

    Friday, July 22nd, 2011

    So it was Ansar al-Jihad, as predicted by Jihadwatch.

    Now at least four more appear to be at a most-likely related shooting at a Youth camp.

    Remember, the only thing unusual about the Norway attacks is the location. Islamic terrorism kills this many people in other places around the globe pretty much every single day.

    Giant Explosion Rocks Norway. Jihad-Related?

    Friday, July 22nd, 2011

    Fox News is reporting one person dead and several injured.

    JihadWatch is saying that the explosion might possibly be related to terror charges against Mullah Krekar, founder of the Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam.

    Norway had declared Krekar a danger to national security, but is refusing to have him deported to Iraq. Why? Because he could be subject to the death penalty.

    More details as they occur.

    This Week in Jihad for February 17, 2011

    Thursday, February 17th, 2011
  • Weapons of mass destruction found in the U.S.?
  • Not news: Woman convicted of blasphemy against Islam. News: In Austria.
  • Adding insult to injury: Being repeatedly sexually assaulted while your assailants shout “Jew! Jew!”
  • Tunisia’s revolution ushers in new era of harmony and tolerance. Ha, just kidding. They’re standing around outside synagogues asking for death to the Jews.
  • Slowly but surely, free speech is being snuffed out in Europe when it’s critical of Islam.
  • The real face of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • So why was the federal government spending $1.3 million to trying to make Arabic language mandatory at a Mansfield school district Middle School? More Arabic classes as electives at the high school and college level are probably a good idea, as the army will need more translators. But mandatory for a middle school?
  • Interesting Michael Totten interview with Paul Berman, author of The Flight of the Intellectuals, in which they discuss the contradictions of “moderate” Islamist Tariq Ramadan.
  • “French President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared multiculturalism a failure.” Finally.
  • “Although Muslim anti-Semitism is a widespread phenomenon in Oslo, as in other European cities, Savosnick says that most of the anti-Semitism she’s experienced has been directed at her by ethnic Norwegians. Jew-hatred is the only civilized option for an educated, right-thinking Scandinavian.”
  • Refusing to hate non-Muslims in your madressa classes? That’s a smacking. Bonus: In Yorkshire. Police have actually acted in this case, but look at the “fears of far-right attacks” spin the far-left Guardian puts on the news, with theoretical right wing violence trumping actual left-wing violence.
  • “The Islamic fifth column present throughout the West is far larger, better funded, and more dangerous than any domestic pro-fascist movement was in any democratic country in the 1930s, with the possible exception of the Czech Sudetenland. The appeasement we see all around us is more profound and will prove much harder to root out.”
  • 503 women publicly flogged in Bangladesh.
  • Human Rights Watch adds a “former” member of the terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to its Middle East Advisory Board.
  • Roland Shirk thinks we’ve just seen the Czar abdicate in Egypt, and bad is about to be replaced with much worse.
  • This Week in Jihad for January 27, 2011

    Thursday, January 27th, 2011

    The big Jihad news this week, of course, was the Moscow bombing. But that was hardly the only thing of note:

  • The Moscow bombers were evidently trained in Pakistan. “An al-Qaeda linked website said that the group Islamic Caucasus Emirate, led by the rebe Doku Umarov, was poised to claim it had staged the attack. It said that Russia’s harsh military measures against independence activists in the Caucasus had provoked the attack. It said: ‘You disbelievers are the firewood of Hell. You will enter it.'” (I’m guessing “rebe” is short for “rebel,” though I have not heretofore heard it used.)
  • Short, interesting analysis of successes and failures of Russia’s own war on terrorism.

    Dokka Umerov has repeatedly made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with al Qaeda, or bin Laden.

    The latter point reveals the following about the global War on Terror. First, the US and British efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq have succeeded in destroying al Qaeda’s reputation amongst Islamist organizations. If an Islamist cause as major as the Caucasus Emirate wants to stay clean of al Qaeda, it means that al Qaeda equals trouble. Al Qaeda involvement means interference from the world’s great powers.

    Second, Russia’s situation reveals that the US and British efforts have failed to do significant damage to the ideology of Islamism. If a nationalist movement turns itself into a movement with Islamist objectives in order to make itself stronger, then it proves that the ideals to which al Qaeda subscribes have not been significantly damaged.

  • UK man arrested “on suspicion of using racially aggravated threatening words or behaviour,” i.e., burning a Koran.
  • Pro-Jihadist forces organizing in North Africa. Wait, did I say “North Africa”? I meant “Norway.”
  • JihadWatch (from whom I regularly steal a very significant fraction of the stories listed in these weekly Jihad roundups) interview Robert Reilly, author of The Closing of the Muslim Mind.
  • Hezbollah moves closer to control of the Lebanese government.
  • Lots more on that subject from the invaluable Michael Totten (just keep scrolling).
  • UK Jihadists evidently don’t like being filmed.
  • Australian artist receives death threats from left-wingers and islamists for anti-burqua mural. Once again we see the alliance of the left and radical Islam.
  • Danish Judge to Kurt Westergaard: Don’t you dare call the man who tried to kill you with an axe a terrorist.
  • U.S. border authorities arrest Jihadi Muslim cleric who was deported from Canada to Tunisia three years ago when he tried to sneak into California inside the trunk of a BMW.
  • Jihadists kill four in attack on army base in Thailand.
  • Also in Thailand, nine Buddhist wild pig hunters were killed by a roadside bomb. In other news, there are Buddhist pig hunters.
  • Jihadists also killed six in Nigeria. With machetes.
  • Wyoming joins Oklahoma in proposing law outlawing Sharia.
  • A similar law has been proposed in South Carolina.
  • New Imam of Ground Zero Mosque says that all apostates from Islam should be jailed. This is a great improvement from the standard clerical opinion that they should be killed…
  • He also says that most gays were abused as children. Strangely enough, some people have a problem with this.
  • All you Islamophobes who say Mohammed was a pedophile are way off base. Sure, Mohammed married a 6 year old, but all Islamic experts agree that he refrained from having sex with her until she reached the ripe old age of 9.
  • Islamic man in Buffalo texts his wife that he can’t live without her. Twenty minutes later he beheaded her.
  • Batman to get Muslim sidekick. Presumably one that doesn’t murder Muslim girls for daring to date non-Muslim men…
  • Muslim Minneapolis police officer arrested for assaulting his wife.
  • Bin Laden threatens France. Insert your own joke here.