Posts Tagged ‘Indonesia’
Thursday, September 25th, 2014
Bombing, revolution, and other jihad-related news breaking out, so let’s dust off this old headline category and throw up some links.
Our air force continues to bomb ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria, including hitting their oil refineries.
France has been helping us bomb ISIS in Iraq as well, though evidently not in Syria.
Syrian Kurds flee into Turkey.
Did Hamas just give up control of Gaza? If so, I’d say Israel won the war decisively…
Houthi rebels have taken Yemen’s capital of Sana’a just a day after signing a peace treaty with the government. They follow Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, a Zaidi Shia (i.e., Fivers rather than Twelvers) as opposed to the formerly ruling Sunnis. I can’t tell from scanty news reports how interested they are in jihad or imposing Sharia law (or imposing more Sharia law, since the existing constitution is evidently partially based on it).
Jury finds Arab Bank liable for supporting Hamas by paying out martyrdom payments for suicide bombings in Israel.
“Coming Soon in Aceh [Indonesia]: Shariah Law for Non-Muslims. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)
Jihadists are eyeing the porous Mexican border as a way to launch terrorist attacks in the U.S.
Obama praises “moderate” Muslim cleric Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah who backed a fatwa on U.S. soldiers. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)
“From French fries to fatwa: the deadly path to jihad of Numan Haider.”
Actual ABC headline: “How #ISIS Is Complicating Al Franken’s Reelection Bid.” (Hat tip: Creeping Sharia.)
Tags:Abdallah Bin Bayyah, Al Franken, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Gaza, Hamas, Indonesia, Iraq, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Israel, Jihad, Numan Haider, Syria, This Week in Jihad
Posted in Border Control, Foreign Policy, Jihad, Military | No Comments »
Friday, March 18th, 2011
Been one of those weeks, so this is a little shorter and later than usual:
Army reprimands 9 scapegoats for its own political correctness in Nidal Hasan’s Ft. Hood shooting.
U.S. resident Pakistani charged with illegally smuggling nuclear material to Pakistan. Lovely.
Stratfor on Saaudi Arabia’s intervention in Bahrain.
The UN approves imposition of a no fly zone over Libya, and Gadhafi announces a ceasefire.
“Less than an hour after the cease-fire was declared, there were reports that it was already being violated.”
Richard Cohen says the Bosnian no-fly zone was a sham to assuage the west’s guilt over genocide and asks: “Should President Barack Obama lead a coordinated, Arab League-backed Western military intervention in Libya to stop Qaddafi?”.
Over a dozen states are now on the anti-Sharia bandwagon.
Jihadists hiding bombs in books.
“Al-Qaeda has launched a women’s magazine that mixes beauty and fashion tips with advice on suicide bombings.”
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Israelis seize Iranian ship loaded with weapons heading for Gaza.
Congressman King isn’t the one fomenting hysteria.
JihadWatch’s Robert Spencer on the King hearings.
Pam Geller thinks King blew it.
Tags:Indonesia, Jihad, Libya, Moammar Gadhafi, Nidal Hasan, No-Fly Zone, nuclear weapons, Pakistan, Richard Cohen, Robert Spencer, This Week in Jihad
Posted in Foreign Policy, Jihad, Uncategorized | No Comments »