Posts Tagged ‘Hitler’


Monday, March 14th, 2016

How do you know you’ve won the game of life?

When you get certified as the oldest living man in the world, which is what Israel Kristal just achieved.

Moreover, Mr. Kristal, who was born in Poland, survived being sent to Auschwitz.

That means not only did he win the game of life, but he did it on the highest difficulty level.

Now Kristal lives Haifa, Israel, surrounded by a large family.

In your face, Hitler!

(Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)

LinkSwarm for January 5, 2016

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

I hope everyone else has had a happier New Year than I, since my father passed away after a long battle with cancer Sunday.

On the plus side, I saw the new Star Wars and the Texans made the playoffs. Doesn’t quite balance out, though…

  • Remember: It’s OK to rape 13-year olds as long as you’re a well-connected Democratic Party donor. Remember, this is the case that had Bill Clinton taking the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island.
  • “Nobody needed criminal convictions to drop Cosby – just multiple accusations of sexual assault and some out-of-court payouts. But multiple accusations of sexual assault, out-of-court payouts and the loss of his law license are apparently not enough to bar Bill Clinton from another eight years in the White House.”
  • Hillary Cliton’s many conflicts of interest:

    At Hillary Clinton’s confirmation hearing for secretary of state, she promised she would take “extraordinary steps…to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

    Later, more than two dozen companies and groups and one foreign government paid former President Bill Clinton a total of more than $8 million to give speeches around the time they also had matters before Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.

    Fifteen of them also donated a total of between $5 million and $15 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the family’s charity, according to foundation disclosures.

  • Six things a Washington Post reporter found out following Ted Cruz around. “The majority of the undecided voters I have spoken with have said they were very impressed after hearing Cruz speak. Many of them said they were undecided coming into a rally and supported him when it was over.”
  • Obama to judicial branch: “Screw you, I’m going to give work permits to illegal aliens you’ve ordered deported.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • “Unfortunately, 2016, the little of it that we have so far seen, is already beginning to look like another year of Grim Slide, of a world stumbling down a slippery slope to become less secure, less stable, and less free.”
  • People are forgetting what an awful festering hellhole the Soviet Union was.
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia have severed diplomatic relations over Saudi execution of a Shiite cleric, and Kuwait has recalled their ambassador from Tehran; don’t be surprised if the other Sunni nations follow suit. Good thing we have a Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House…
  • Turkey’s Prime Minister: Hey, you know who was a model of effective leadership? Adolf Hitler.
  • Swiss General: Europe “On The Verge Of Civil War,” Citizens Must Arm Themselves.
  • Oslo police: “We Have Lost the City.”

    It looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly just next to the Gronland subway station.

    It’s not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected. The police have largely given up. Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away.

  • Mass sexual assaults involving up to 1,000 Arab men on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
  • “IRS Employee Whose Job Was Assisting Victims Of Identity Theft Charged In $1 Million Identity Theft Tax Fraud.” (Hat tip: Instapundit)
  • Rahm Emanuel’s failure in Chicago is emblematic of the blue model failure in America’s cities. “The city’s bloated pension obligations have already forced Emanuel to make severe education cuts. It will continue to force cuts in city services in various cities, making it harder and harder for mayors to govern, and increasing the antagonism among various constituencies.”
  • Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar.” Plus this: “Between 2012 and 2014 the number of black permit holders increased from 10,389 to 17,594, according to the report.”
  • Mississippi Democratic City Councilman urges constituents to hurl rocks and bricks at the police.
  • Armed mother successfully defends home and children against three armed thugs. But gun-grabbers want to disarm her
  • Bahamas resort project gives in to Chinese demands to secure more construction loans. Result: Bankruptcy.
  • Ben Carson’s campaign staff quits. There’s a reason president of the United States isn’t an entry-level job…
  • Former feminist now a pro-life activist who is disillusioned with feminism. (Hat tip: John C. Wright.)
  • Confessions of a social justice warrior white knight. “Their communities thrive on self loathing disguised as elitism…SJWs insist their goal is to make everyone equal, and for a long time I believed it, but their communities actually enforce factionalism and division.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • Wendy Davis: Still digging.
  • How to Talk About Star Wars at Thanksgiving With Your Ignorant, Rebellion-Backing Uncle

    Thursday, November 26th, 2015

    And now something lite for the holidays: How to Talk About Star Wars at Thanksgiving With Your Ignorant, Rebellion-Backing Uncle, which touches on such important points as:

  • The Jedi Are a Racist Space Aristocracy
  • Ted Cruz
  • Hitler
  • Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    LinkSwarm for December 12, 2014

    Friday, December 12th, 2014

    You might not know from scanning the headlines of what the mainstream media wants to focus on, but there’s been a lot of liberal meltdown this week, among the MSM themselves especially:

  • Social Security to become insolvent in 2024. Thanks Obama! (Hat tip: Pension Tsunami.)
  • The Gruber hearings: More “I don’t remember” than a Peter Gabriel video.
  • Wendy Davis earns Texas Monthly‘s Bum Steer of the Year. You know a Democrat had to have an epic train wreck when the lefty sorts over there are pretty much forced to put them on the cover…
  • Rapes by Democratic bundler Terry Bean or Democratic Capitol Hill staffer Donny Ray Williams? “Meh.” “The Press isn’t all that interested in stories that reflect badly on Democrats.”
  • Feminists prefer narrative to truth. “There is nothing that is nice or kind or empathetic about the subordination of truth to narrative.”
  • More on the same theme: “When questions first emerged, a number of people treated quashing those questions as the moral equivalent of war, attacking the questioners as if being skeptical of a story was itself wrong — rather than exactly the spirit of inquiry that makes science, and public debate, work…When we get wedded to our narratives, we become blind.”
  • “After four years of disastrous liberal Democratic rule, led by President Obama, the desperation of the left is now contributing to its own decline. And it’s not just recent defeats at the ballot box: The Democrats’ systematic overreach is destroying the credibility of their messengers and belittling the causes they want to promote; making it harder for them to identify and solve real problems.”
  • 35 federal agencies plan to share your health data. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Feminists have used Title IX as a far-reaching tool to reorganize higher education to their ideological agenda.
  • “How feminism left me.”
  • We have a strong candidate for Most Clueless Example of Liberal White Female Privilege On Salon. Granted, it’s a target-rich environment…
  • Obama official who enabled illegal alien flood is resigning in advance of hearings How convenient…
  • “It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too.”
  • How 401Ks are killing off defined-pension plans. (Hat tip: Pension Tsunami.)
  • #GamerGate is winning. “The ‘gamergate’ controversy cost Gawker Media ‘seven figures’ in lost advertising revenue, the company’s head of advertising Andrew Gorenstein said at an all-hands meeting on Wednesday afternoon.”
  • “All lives matter.” “APOLOGIZE!” WTF? Congratulations, Social Justice Warriors. You’re now officially a cult.
  • ISIS beheads four children for refusing to convert to Islam.
  • Joe Biden lectures Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islam, which is like Kayne West lecturing Stephen Hawking on quantum physics.
  • Indonesia editor to face blasphemy charges for mocking ISIS. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)
  • India judge decides that country’s Child Marriage Act doesn’t apply to the Religion of Peace. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)
  • Yet he who has never had a snake-throwing fight at a Tim Hortons cast the first stone. (Hat tip: Bill Crider.)
  • “Man With Gender Studies Degree Terrorizes Party”. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
  • And I’m not covering the CROmnibus debacle yet because I haven’t even read the summary of the summary of the summary of what’s in that monster…

    Bad Business Decisions

    Saturday, September 1st, 2012

    Pro-Business Tip: Try not to name your store after genocidal dictators.

    Unlike the people who opened a clothing store called Hitler.

    (Hat tip: Mike Godwin’s Facebook page.)


    The Sound of a Million Liberal Teeth Gnashing

    Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

    The best thing about the deal Obama cut with Republicans to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for two years is the uncertainty it removed from the market and the fact that it will let millions of taxpayers continue to keep more of their own money.

    The second best thing about the deal is the full-flavored, zesty schadenfreude from the howls of outraged anguish and betrayal coming from the nutroots over Obama’s unthinkable perfidy. The reactions were so extreme you’d think he’d just agreed to hand over part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler. (Think I’m exaggerating? Look below and you’ll see that more than one very prominent liberal suggested that very analogy.)

    So here’s a Whitman’s sampler of outraged reactions from the left. The problem wasn’t finding them, it was determining which ones to include. There are only so many hours in the day…

    • Here’s a very unreconstructed liberal who starts out his lament in classic style: “While the corporate oligarchy tightens it’s grip over power…” Man, I guess that “corporate oligarchy” bit never goes out of fashion on the hard left.
    • This Counterpunch commentator suggests that Obama is only doing the bidding of his true constituency, Wall Street, in order to fulfill his ultimate goal: privatizing Social Security. Evidently Obama is just a puppet for Steve Forbes. Who knew?
    • This poster on agrees: Now that Obama has caved, “Wall Street executives and Congressional Republicans will demand Social Security be slashed.” Yeah, I can still remember how all those Republican House candidates were demanding that Social Security be slashed.
    • asks Obama to stand tough, not realizing he’s already down the street in a saloon, toasting his new friends.
    • Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel says that Obama is shirking his “clear and imperative historic mandate.” It’s like the 2010 general election never happened for these people.
    • Some liberals are even suggesting that Obama has sunk so far he’s become that most evil and unclean of creatures: a Republican.
    • More than one, in fact: “The Democrats, elected and rank-and-file, for our own good, must come to terms with the notion that a Republican is in the White House, and that Democrats are the opposition party.”
    • The head Kossack himself pulls a Quarter-Godwin by comparing Obama to Neville Chamberlain. (It also offers another glimpse into that parallel reality liberals inhabit, where “Republicans were so worried that the government-run program would be so efficient, effective, and affordable that it would drive the private insurers out of business.” Yeah, Republicans are so well known for fearing that giant government programs will be too efficient.)
    • Oliver Willis deploys the same meme “I see President Obama has returned from his meetings with the GOP leadership and has come back waving and bragging of the agreement that cedes the Sudentenland to the Republican party on taxes.”
    • Any more liberals hopping on the Obama-as-Neville Chamberlain bandwagon? Why yes! The ever-dependable Keith Olbermann: “I will confess I won’t fight if anyone wants to draw a comparison between what you’ve done with our domestic policies of our day to what Neville Chamberlain did with the domestic policies of his.” Ah, Keith. Don’t ever change.
    • Finally, over in the most fevered swamps of Democratic Underground, one poster brings up the only measured and reasonable response to the situation: Armed socialist revolution! “There are 300 million of us and only 200,000 rich people in the US. Unite with your fellow workers. Tear down the walls of their mansions and haul them off to jail.”

    You know who else hated Christmas?

    Tuesday, November 17th, 2009


    (Actually, the whole “War on Christmas” thing isn’t of great concern to me (except as an example of the much larger and deadlier problem of general political correctness), but I couldn’t resist a one-word Godwin, especially since Mike Godwin is on my Facebook friends list, since we argued with each other way back in the dim, misty days of the Austin BBS community…)