Posts Tagged ‘Anson Chi’

Plano Pipeline Blast: Probably Not jihad-Related

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

The suspect in the Plano pipeline bombing is described as Taiwanese, which would make make a jihad-angle pretty unlikely.

In the comments for the previous story, someone claiming to be a neighbor suggests the suspect may have suffered from “mental problems.” No doubt.

Terrorist Attempt in Plano?

Monday, June 18th, 2012

An “Asian man” evidently tried to blow up a gas pipeline in Plano.

Details are sketchy but police and FBI just started searching a house.

Is Asian a codeword for “Muslim” here? Jihad-related? Earth Liberation Front? The Coalition to Fight Man-Bear-Pig? Random Lunatic? Who knows?

No additional information expected until tomorrow.

(Hat tip: Moe Lane‘s Twitter feed.)