More Redlight Camera Follies in LA

Redlight cameras cause more accidents in LA than they prevent. Golly, who would ever have seen that coming? Except, you know, everyone who ever studied the issue…


2 Responses to “More Redlight Camera Follies in LA”

  1. TXGunGeek says:

    No need to go all the way to LA for Red Light Camera Follies.

    Right here in Central Texas the follies are alive and well. College Station won’t admit not only that the cameras do not increase public safety, but they will also not admit they are there for revenue generation and are willing to do anything to keep them.

  2. […] a hint: No city should set up red light cameras in the first place, since they create more accidents than they prevent, but if you do, how about adding a clause saying “Contract immediately void […]

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