Democrats: Farming Illegal Aliens For Votes And Profit

The storyline that’s come out of the Democratic Party’s decision to flood Springfield, Ohio with illegal aliens from Haiti is them eating people’s pets, but the real storyline should be how Democrats destroy neighborhoods and displace locals for financial and political gain all over the country.

Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani has published a shocking report that could soon change the national discussion from Haitians and other migrants eating cats or dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to one that is more sinister: The hub of a complex “hidden human trafficking network” in the tiny rust belt town.

“The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It’s about mules. It’s a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized,” Nomani wrote in the Jewish Journal.

She said, “Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.,” adding, “It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years.”

Nomani provided an image of one of those vans owned by staffing companies that shuttles the migrants to factories.

The ex-WSJ journo said ‘George Ten’, the alleged mastermind behind this scheme, lives in a mansion in rural Ohio. She continued, “His nickname is “King George” because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts, and fast talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation.”

This is stunning, as Nomani noted:

One Haitian man I interviewed asked to be anonymous for fear of retaliation and recalled how he was picked up by a driver for one of Ten’s vans on a street corner near a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Immokalee, Florida. After the long journey to Springfield, he was dropped off at a rundown home on Rice Street, infested with cockroaches. He soon found work through First Diversity at Jefferson Industries Corporation, earning $12.50 an hour; he didn’t know how much George skimmed off his wages. The home he lived in had no working heat, and he bought an electric heater to survive the cold Ohio winter, the heater barely heating his room.

What essentially began as an unverified claim by Trump about migrants eating pets has led to the disturbing truth of alleged labor trafficking and modern-day slavery in Springfield. The Haitians, here legally, are being exploited by mega corporations…

And it’s not just Ohio.

What will also blow your mind is that this alleged labor trafficking network has possibly also surfaced in Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

We cited a resident of the town, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. In a video, the resident revealed the complex network of staffing vans in a town that is 50% Haitian. The vans shuttle migrants back and forth to several food packaging plants.

Funny how the Democratic Party, the supposed “friend of the working man” seems so intent on helping replace working Americans with illegal aliens.

It’s not just Pennsylvania or Ohio, it’s all over the country.

Bloomberg has unveiled one of the most detailed maps yet, showing where the 2023 migrant invasion has spread across the US, broken down on a county-by-county basis. The map, built on immigration court case data, highlights clusters of new migrant populations that primarily emerged across the eastern half of the nation. The question becomes if the federal government and a shadowy network of non-governmental organizations worked in unison to precision dump migrants in small towns and cities to replace native blue-collar workers.

The data plotted on the map includes immigration court data showing where the 1.8 million migrants landed in the US and have since taken up residence. Notice massive clusters of new migrants across the Mid-Alantic and Northeast metro areas, as well as the Midwest and Rust Belt regions.

“In the battleground states that will decide this November’s election, about 72% of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties while less than a third went to Trump counties, the Bloomberg analysis found. Counties that voted for Biden four years ago are home to roughly 60% of the overall US population,” Bloomberg said. ‘

More on how illegal aliens were used in Charleroi, PA.

The story in Springfield, Ohio, and Charleroi, Pennsylvania, should not be about goat sacrifices and migrants eating cats and dogs. It’s more sinister than that. It’s about a much darker reality of an alleged large-scale human trafficking and labor exploitation network operated by mysterious staffing companies with dozens and dozens of passenger vans in what some have called “modern-day slavery.” These migrants are shuttled around to factories, displacing native-born workers.


It seems like the Biden Administration and their shadowy network of NGO’s imported some 10 million illegal aliens into the country to provide cheap labor for big business.

corporate interests have become deeply interconnected with immigration through a non-governmental organization called Tent Partnership for Refugees. This NGO comprises more than 400 major multinational companies committed to hiring “refugees.”

Several NGO partnerships with mega corporations include RedRoof Inn, Royal Farms, Shopify, CSX, Delta Airlines, DoorDash, Etsy, and even Bloomberg.

The NGO’s relationships run deeper than mega-corporations, in fact, all the way up to the Biden administration.

In December of 2022, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a memorandum of understanding with Tent Partnership to “expand economic opportunity for refugees” in the private sector.

And what do Democrats get for letting all these illegal aliens in? Well, obviously they get to punish lots of blue collar workers for their “whiteness” and “clinging to their guns and religion.” And they get to rake off lots of NGO graft. And, of course, they expect illegal aliens to vote for Democrats, either illegally through voting fraud or legally via a mass amnesty.

Forestalling illegal alien voting was part of rational behind the SAVE Act.

The electorate is narrowly divided, and November’s presidential contest is likely to come down to the wire once again. Those in power are naturally tempted to secure an advantage — by any means necessary.

That became clear Monday when the White House threatened to veto legislation intended to close a loophole allowing illegal aliens to register to vote. The loophole was created by what is known as the motor voter law, which forced states to allow mail-in voter registration in 1993.

All one has to do is check a box that says “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” on a federal form to be signed up. Though the form asks for more information, it’s optional.

“If you do not have a driver’s license or a state-issued identification or a Social Security number, please write ‘NONE’ on the form,” Colorado’s official instructions state. At the polling place, a utility bill or welfare check counts as acceptable identification.

House Republicans set up a vote Wednesday to close this loophole through the SAVE Act. Introduced by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, the proposal forces states to verify citizenship before adding someone to the voter rolls. It also enhances penalties against anyone intentionally registering noncitizens.

The White House blasted the effort. “It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections — it is a Federal crime punishable by prison and fines. … States already have effective safeguards in place to verify voters’ eligibility and maintain the accuracy of voter rolls,” the formal statement of administration policy explained.

While noncitizen voting is illegal, there’s no way to know when it happens. The Supreme Court blocked states from enforcing their own registration verification process in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona. Writing for the majority in 2013, Justice Antonin Scalia said requiring proof of citizenship prior to registration clashed with federal law.

And that’s why Congress must exercise its authority to fix that broken law and restore trust in the system. Liberals will cry foul, but they’re not sincere. They have no problem forcing everyone to flash IDs and passports to handsy Transportation Security Administration agents before boarding an airplane.

“Many of the Democrats want all of these illegals to participate in our federal elections,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said at a news conference Tuesday. “They want them to vote. There’s no other conclusion you can draw.”

Mr. Johnson estimates the administration has allowed as many as 16 million illegal immigrants to enter the country, which is more than enough to swing a tight election.

Noncitizens aren’t supposed to participate in elections, but it’s also illegal for them to enter the country uninvited. Unlawful immigrants don’t even need to cast votes themselves. The loophole adds names and addresses to the system that ballot harvesters can then use with mail-in voting schemes.

Unverified checkboxes go hand in hand with unverified ballot drop boxes.

Sounds like the SAVE Act is important for election integrity. So why did the same Republican Speaker just give up on fighting for it?

House Republicans are moving forward with plans to vote on a clean stopgap spending bill that will extend government funding until mid-December, dropping a proof-of-citizenship voting measure backed by former President Donald Trump from their latest proposal.

The continuing resolution, released on Sunday, would continue current spending levels until Dec. 20, buying lawmakers time to continue negotiations for the federal budget for the 2025 fiscal year. The proposal comes after the House failed to pass its initial government funding proposal last week that would have extended current spending levels until the end of March 2025 and included a voting integrity measure known as the SAVE Act that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) sought to attach as a policy win for Republicans.

That spending package was shot down after it failed to garner enough support from GOP lawmakers who vowed never to support a temporary government funding bill.

“Since we fell a bit short of the goal line, an alternative plan is now required,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) wrote in a Dear Colleague letter to lawmakers on Sunday. “The feedback and ideas from everyone have been very helpful, and next week the House will take the initiative and pass a clean, three-month CR to prevent the Senate from jamming us with a bill loaded with billions in new spending and unrelated provisions. Our legislation will be a very narrow, bare-bones CR including only the extensions that are absolutely necessary.”

But the absence of the SAVE Act could prompt several Republicans in both the House and Senate to reject the stopgap measure. Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly called on Republicans to oppose any funding bill that does not include language of the SAVE Act, even at the risk of a shutdown.

Democrats are importing millions of illegal aliens to replace Americans and congressional Republicans are evidently too scared of losing a press cycle to try and stop it.

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10 Responses to “Democrats: Farming Illegal Aliens For Votes And Profit”

  1. Tig If Brue says:

    The “Great Replacement” is a conspiracy theory…or so I’m told.

  2. bobby b says:

    I’d like to see a comprehensive list of companies employing all of these interlopers.

    This is what boycotts were invented for.

  3. […] Farming Illegal Aliens For Votes And Profit. “The storyline that’s come out of the Democratic Party’s decision to flood Springfield, […]

  4. Malthus says:

    If you’re not at the table, you are on the table. “Cats and dogs” are hors d’oeurves; you are the entree.

    “[M]odern-day slavery in Springfield” could be better described as indentured servitude. On a similar occasion, illegal immigrants were being held at a Columbus, Ohio poultry farm. They were not allowed to leave the premises under penalty of being turned over to ICE officials. When not harvesting eggs they were confined to the squalid mobile homes that served as living quarters. The egg farm turned a tidy profit.

    “George Ten” is the well-placed crony capitalist that typifies corporatism. There are many others like him, including landlords who buy up distressed properties then refurbish and rent them out as Section 8 housing. It is a very profitable hustle. A current Springfield council member enjoys similar benefit from his own rental properties, enjoying a somewhat more modest income than “George Ten”.

    Springfield is like Youngstown, only on a smaller scale. Industry flees and crime flourishes. Property values collapse, which triggers tax revenue shortages. City services are curtailed, which includes police patrols.

    Those who are able follow the departing industries. Their places are taken by others, to include impoverished immigrants who then get pushed to the front of the line at Jobs and Family Services operations.

    Social workers prosper, landlords refurbish the city treasury and the grand social experiment is declared a resounding success. Dissident voices are not heard because they lift sail and cruise to a safer city. Those who remain behind when the tide goes out discover what happens to shipwreck survivors at the ensuing cannibal feast.

  5. Kirk says:

    Do also pay attention to the funding of all this crap…

    Section 8 monies are tax dollars. The subsidies are tax dollars. All of it is tax dollars, and they’re basically running a Ponzi scheme with this crap, and ruining your lives while they’re at it. The principals recruit among the “luvvies” in the churches for cover, using your charitable donations as fuel for the fire, and the church’s good reputation to render them beyond criticism.

    The entirety of our leadership needs to be taken out and put down like the rabid wolves they’ve become. These people are not and have not been acting in our interests for quite some time… The destruction of Minneapolis began decades ago, and this “refugee machine” got started back during the whole Vietnamese Boat People deal, and has been a mainstay of the various church/NGO funding sources ever since. You don’t want to know how many of your tax dollars are going towards this crap, and if you did, it’d likely be aneurysm city for you…

  6. Malthus says:

    “ You don’t want to know how many of your tax dollars are going towards this crap, and if you did, it’d likely be aneurysm city for you…”

    Take a nitrogen pill before reading the following:

    “One Ohio based organization, National Youth Advocate Program, has received the largest amount in the state for resettlement of Haitians within Springfield and the surrounding area.

    “According to, the organization has received over $100,000,000 in federal grants this year aimed at resettling Haitians in the state of Ohio.”

    This situation is not unique. A trainload of grifters, among whom you will recognize the usual suspects, inclusive of Catholic Charities.

  7. Malthus says:

    Desolation Row Revisited

    They’re eating kittens in Ohio
    And campaigning for Sherrod Brown
    State troopers have been sent to Springfield
    The Haitians are in town

  8. Malthus says:

    Desolation Row Revisited (cont.)

    Dominique refills his Creole bowl
    He’s a worker at the plant owned by Dole
    Who got driven out of the Caribbean
    Such a very long time ago

    “Yanqui, Yanqui go home”
    Cried tumultuous crowds
    As they seized abandoned goods
    Which they loaded on their donkey carts
    And paraded through their neighborhoods

    When hated Yanquis went back home
    It left an empty, forlorn space
    And roving bands of criminals
    Made themselves Lords of the place

    A state of primitive savagery
    Has existed there ever since
    So Dominique fled from his neighbors
    In the city of Port au Prince

    He’s headed out to Springfield
    Where he firmly intends to stay
    The same company his father scorned
    Has become his employer today

  9. Kirk says:

    The hysterically funny thing about it is that they’re basically provoking the rise of an ethnocentric “white people” in this country, who’re likely to make all the worst nightmares they project onto them real… It’s like that’s their goal: Drive whitey away from reason, and into madness.

    When the time comes, and I fear that it will, the backlash from this crap is going to make what happened during the pogroms look like child’s play. It’ll be Yugoslavia on steroids, without the ethnic separation boundaries at all.

    And, ya know who’ll be the worst offenders with the atrocities? I guarandamntee you that all these wokey white-boy types are going to turn on a dime and become the Robespierres of the era. The thing you have to remember is that once you’ve broken the boundaries in someone’s mind about this sort of thing, there is no going back. That’s why most gangs have a “jumping-in” event, involving some heinous crime, as their initiation rite. Once they’ve committed atrocity, they keep right on doing it until they’re stopped by brute force. Because, if they do stop, everything they ever did was wrong, and they can’t admit that to themselves. They’ll be like Japanese soldiers entombed on some jungle island, unable to escape… And, the only way to survive is by killing more villagers for food.

  10. […] of the true magnitude of job losses under the Biden Recession is limited to Austin. With companies hiring illegal aliens rather than Americans, the problem is only likely to get […]

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