Thomas Friedman Gets Stabbed

November 18th, 2015

Nice work, Ace of Spades HQ.

Nice work indeed…

Anonymous Takes Down Islamic State Twitter Accounts (Again)

November 18th, 2015

Anonymous goes to war, at least in cyberspace:

Islamic State sympathizers using social media to spread propaganda and recruit fighters are now drawing an increasing amount of return fire from activists who have been knocking some sites offline and infiltrating others.

The loose hacking collective Anonymous is the latest to draw attention to such campaigns, with members claiming credit this week for having thousands of pro-IS Twitter (TWTR.N) accounts disabled.

This is not the first time that Anonymous has taken down Islamic State Twitter accounts, as they did so on a wide scale in Operation #TangoDown back in May.

Will this effort actually damage the Islamic State? Well, slightly, which is to say it will do a damn site more than peace signs with Eiffel Towers or overlaying your icon with a French flag, meaningless feel-good displacement gestures liberals use rather than admitting to themselves they’re doing absolutely nothing to fight radical Islam…

Bobby Jindal Drops Out

November 18th, 2015

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has dropped out of the 2016 Presidential race. While Jindal is much more qualified to be President than Donald Trump or Carly Fiorina, he was always a longshot, He exceeded expectations in that he outlasted Scott Walker and Rick Perry, but he never managed to gain any traction.

Syrian Refugees and Liberal Pretensions of Moral Superiority

November 17th, 2015

A few days after Syrian “refugees” helped killed 132 people (at last count) in Paris, and suddenly liberals are falling all over themselves to natter on about what a “moral duty” it is for the United States to take more of those same “refugees.”

So where was all this “moral duty,” indignation and outrage when the Islamic State was slaughtering Christians, Kurds and Yezidis?

This is just liberals engaging in a cheap form of moral preening, displaying their “tolerance” like a peacock displays its tail feathers. Muslims rank high on the Victimhood Identity Politics scale, so obviously liberals need to display “tolerance” by welcoming more of them here, never mind how many might be jihadists.

Obama is for resettling “refugees” containing Islamist jihadists, and Republican governors oppose it, so suddenly it’s a High Moral Cause for liberals, another chance for liberals to display how they’re “morally superior” to those ignorant redneck freaks of JesusLand. Also known as “voters,” who want fewer immigrants, not more.

“Now 129 people are dead in Paris because Europe decided to make a fetish of its tolerance for intolerance and allow the religious distempers of its Islamist communities to fester over many years. That’s what happens when you sanctify political tantrums, explain and appease them, refuse to name them, try to look away.”

And if American civilians have to die at the hands of jihadists so liberals can rub their “tolerance” in your face, so be it…

Texas Democratic Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Retiring

November 16th, 2015

“Longtime Rio Grande Valley Congressman Ruben Hinojosa (D-Mercedes) is not seeking re-election in 2016.”

Rio Grande Valley is the Democratic Party’s last stronghold outside a few urban cores. The Texas 15th Congressional District runs in a strip from the valley up to near San Antonio. The district was formerly held by John Nance Garner and Lloyd Bentsen, and has never elected a Republican. It’s an 80% Hispanic district.

A 2016 pickup target for Republicans? I think they’ll take a run at it, but it’s a tough nut to crack. Hinojosa won in 2014 with a solid, but not overwhelming, 54% of the vote, but garnered 61% in 2012’s Presidential election year. I could see Republicans sneaking a win if everything broke just right (having Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio on top of the ticket wouldn’t hurt), but this probably only takes it from Solid D to Leans D.

Tweets About The Paris Attack

November 14th, 2015

Current news from Paris: the death toll is now at 128 and the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for what French President Francois Hollande calls (correctly) an “act of war.”

A few tweets about the Paris attacks and reactions to it:

100+ Dead in Islamic Attack on Paris

November 13th, 2015

“Terrorists wielding AK-47s and hurling explosives executed at least 100 people inside a Paris concert hall late Friday night, in a massacre that followed coordinated attacks that killed at least 40 more people, rocking the French capital — prompting President Francois Hollande to close the entire nation’s borders and order a state of emergency.”

There are reports that the Islamic State took responsibility. Also reports that Belgium has closed their border.

This is not a “tragedy,” as so many mealy-mouth leftists are calling it. This was an act of war. And Europe’s current open borders policy on Middle East “refugees” almost certainly contributed to it.

Two exceptionally obvious courses of action present themselves:

  1. All of Europe, not just Paris, should close their borders until adequate border controls are in place, and immediately start forcibly deporting illegal aliens from Muslim countries.
  2. Paris should ask that Article 5 of the NATO treaty be activated, to be followed shortly by a broad coalition (including the United States) completely destroying the Islamic State and followed by a heavy, lasting multinational occupation of the territory formerly held by it.

For a long time, liberals have soft-peddled and downplayed Islamic terrorism so they could continue their moral preening about how enlightened and sophisticated they are. The time for people dying so liberals can avoid feeling bad about themselves is over. Either confront radical Islam with the force necessary to destroy it, or cede power to those willing to do so.

LinkSwarm for November 13, 2015

November 13th, 2015

The big story this week has been the Children of the Corn running amok in Missouri. I hope to have a longer piece on that by and by. In the meantime, enjoy your Friday LinkSwarm:

  • ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion is blowing holes in state budgets across the nation.
  • How the Clinton Foundation money-laundering machine works.
  • Maryland’s “bullet fingerprint” database cost $5 million to set up and maintain. Number of criminals caught by it? Zero. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
  • How much money each state is sending to the Presidential race. Texas is number one in SuperPAC money, and number two (behind California) in hard money.
  • Kurdish Pesh Merga forces retake Sinjar from the Islamic State.
  • China makes tiny under-reporting error on coal usage. Any by “tiny,” I mean “equal to entire U.S. coal use.” (Hat tip: Ace of Spades.)
  • Sell books critical of the Chinese government in Hong Kong? Prepare to be disappeared.
  • Secret Service agent arrested in child sex sting. The country is in the best of hands. (Hat tip: AceofSpadesHQ.)
  • Kafkatrap vs. Honeytrap. “If you are any kind of open-source leader or senior figure who is male, do not be alone with any female, ever, at a technical conference.”
  • Woman starts making documentary about Men’s Rights Movement. Funny things happens: When she starts making an actual, even-handed documentary, the funders who wanted a feminist hit piece drop her like a hot potato, but Kickstarter backers step up to the plate after a plug from Milo Yiannopoulos.
  • UT academic critics of open carry should step out of their ivory tower and take a look at the real world.
  • Dear Formula 1: If your race requires subsidies to survive in Austin, I’m happy to see you fold.
  • An inside-baseball look at the Ted Cruz super PAC ad buy that wasn’t.
  • Texas vs. California Update for November 12, 2015

    November 12th, 2015

    Time for another Texas vs. California roundup:

  • Is the Los Angeles Unified School District headed for bankruptcy?
  • If it does, pensions are one of the main culprits. (Hat tip: Pension Tsunami.)
  • A tale of two pension plans. Atlanta successfully reformed theirs. San Jose didn’t. (Hat tip: Pension Tsunami.)
  • All five of the most expensive housing markets in the U.S. are in California.
  • California ranks among the bottom five in standardized school tests.
  • Part four of a long, detailed piece on the fall of Pacific Grove, and why it matters. (Hat tip: Pension Tsunami.)
  • Spending $15 billion for a tunnel for fish in the midst of a drought isn’t going over well with California voters.
  • Who is the water-wasting Wet Prince of Bel Aire?
  • The fight over California mining company Molycorp’s bankruptcy.
  • Roses are Red/Violets are Blue/The State of California has/Blood samples from you.
  • The WNBA’s Tulsa (formerly Detroit) Shock relocate to Dallas. In other news, the WNBA is evidently still in business.
  • TPPF’s Dr. Vance Ginn on why the Texas model works.
  • Waco Update: 106 Bikers Indicted

    November 11th, 2015

    106 bikers involved in the Waco biker shootout have been indicted. (A complete list of those indicted can be found here.)

    However, as far as I can tell, the indictment is only for engaging in an “organized criminal conspiracy.” No one has yet been charged with murder.

    More indictments may be due the next time a grand jury meets, which will be later this month. Hopefully standard information (like ballistics reports) the Waco police have thus far withheld will finally be released.