Walter E. Williams, RIP

December 3rd, 2020

Famed free market economist Walter E. Williams has died at age 84.

Williams is probably most famous for being a regular guest of Rush Limbaugh, but I probably first became aware of him from his work in Reason magazine, which published excerpts from his book The State Against Blacks. (No Amazon link, because the book is out of print and hideously expensive on the user market; a canny publisher should get it back into print.) Like Thomas Sowell (to whom he was often compared), Williams used his inside understanding of the American black experience to argue persuasively that free markets were the best mechanism to lift black people out of poverty, and that government intervention (be it a minimum wage, Affirmative Action, heavy business regulation, the welfare state, or closed shop labor rules) constantly undermined black economic progress.

Williams also wrote an autobiography, Up from the Projects: An Autobiography, that’s more readily available. Here’s an interview where he discusses it:

Here’s a documentary on The State Against Blacks:

As you might expect, Williams was not a fan of #BlackLivesMatter or ascribing the lack of black economic progress to “systemic racism”:

While it might not be popular to say in the wake of the recent social disorder, the true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called “systemic racism.” Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.

Some of the most dangerous big cities are: St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, Newark, Buffalo and Philadelphia. The most common characteristic of these cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by liberal Democrats. Some cities — such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia — haven’t elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. On top of this, in many of these cities, blacks are mayors, often they dominate city councils, and they are chiefs of police and superintendents of schools.

In 1965, there were no blacks in the U.S. Senate, nor were there any black governors. And only six members of the House of Representatives were black. As of 2019, there is far greater representation in some areas — 52 House members are black. Nine black Americans have served in the Senate, including Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, Carol Moseley Braun and Barack Obama of Illinois, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Kamala Harris of California. In recent times, there have been three black state governors. The bottom line is that today’s black Americans have significant political power at all levels of government. Yet, what has that meant for a large segment of the black population?

Democratic-controlled cities have the poorest-quality public education despite their large, and growing, school budgets. Consider Baltimore. In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state’s math exam. In six other high schools, only 1% tested proficient in math. Only 15% of Baltimore students passed the state’s English test. That same year in Philadelphia only 19% of eighth-graders scored proficient in math, and 16% were proficient in reading. In Detroit, only 4% of its eighth-graders scored proficient in math, and 7% were proficient in reading. It’s the same story of academic disaster in other cities run by Democrats.

Violent crime and poor education is not the only problem for Democratic-controlled cities. Because of high crime, poor schools and a less pleasant environment, cities are losing their economic base and their most productive people in droves. When World War II ended, the population of Washington, D.C., was about 800,000; today, it’s about 700,000. In 1950, Baltimore’s population was almost 950,000; today, it’s around 590,000. Detroit’s 1950 population was close to 1.85 million; today, it’s down to 673,000. The population of Camden, N.J., in 1950 was nearly 125,000; today it has fallen to 74,000. St. Louis’ 1950 population was more than 856,000; today, it’s less than 294,000. A similar story of population decline can be found in most of our formerly large and prosperous cities. In some cities, the population decline since 1950 is well over 50%, and that includes Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Academic liberals, civil rights advocates and others blamed the exodus on racism — “white flight” to the suburbs to avoid blacks. But blacks have been fleeing some cities at higher rates than whites. The five cities whose suburbs have the fastest-growing black populations are Miami, Dallas, Washington, Houston and Atlanta. It turns out that blacks, like whites, want better and safer schools for their kids and don’t like to be mugged or have their property vandalized. And like white people, if they have the means, black people cannot wait to leave troubled cities.

How Social Justice Warrior Language Manipulates People

December 2nd, 2020

A short video about how Social Justice Warriors manipulate language to box in political opponents:

The people who claim that everything is sexist, that everything is racist. The people who claim that we all need to check our privilege. Those people are using a side of academic jargon. They’re using linguistics sleights of hand and emotional tricks and verbal misdirection to stack the deck and to tilt the argumentative playing field in their favor.

They’ll show up and they’ll say, we need to talk about social justice. We just want to have a conversation. We just want to talk. There’s nothing going on here. It’s just a conversation. That’s all we want. We just want to talk and have a conversation. And then they’ll proceed to say that they have good hearts and they’re going to use their voice to take up space in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion, that the personal is the political, and that we have to do the work if we want to be on the right side of history.

And when you give your reply, they’re going to say, well, we need to call a spade a spade. You need to check your privilege and stay in your lane. You need to shut up and listen until you can educate yourself about your problematic ideas because you’re on the wrong side of history.

If they get angry during this conversation, they’ll claim the anger is the language of the unheard, and that their anger is fueled by love. If you get angry during this conversation, they will claim that you have white fragility and that you are crying male tears. And if you ask them to explain themselves, they will say, oh, don’t demand my emotional labor. But if you offer to explain yourself, they will say, quit mansplaining.

They rig the conversation by redefining the terms. And then they use sleight of hand to deal unfair attacks from the bottom of the deck. And all of this is done in the service of controlling the conversation

Wokal Distance has a Twitter feed that’s worth following.

Election Fraud Update For December 1, 2020

December 1st, 2020

As promised, here’s this week’s election fraud update. Lots of hearings, lots of lawsuits, lots of evidence of fraud, and no indication yet that anything is getting overturned.

  • Sydney Powell’s election fraud presentation. Caveat: PowerPoint, and the links appear to be broken.
  • Here’s the presentation on Michigan, with the same caveats.
  • “Giuliani, Trump Pull Off ‘One Hell Of A Hearing‘ On Pennsylvania Election Fraud”:

  • Some state of play updates in tweet form:

  • “5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms.”

    1. 80 Million Votes

    Holy moly! A lot of Americans turned out for a Washington politician who’s been in office for nearly 50 years. Consider this: no incumbent president in nearly a century and a half has gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost.

    President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden’s appeal was so substantial that it overcame President Trump’s record support among minority voters. Biden also shattered Barack Obama’s own popular vote totals, really calling into question whether it was not perhaps Biden who pulled Obama across the finish lines in 2008 and 2012.

    Proving how sharp his political instincts are, the former VP managed to gather a record number of votes while consistently trailing President Trump in measures of voter enthusiasm. Biden was so savvy that he motivated voters unenthusiastic about his campaign to vote for him in record numbers.

    2. Winning Despite Losing Most Bellwether Counties

    Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election. For a century, these states have consistently predicted the national outcome, and they have been considered roughly representative of the American melting pot as a whole. Despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.

    For Biden to lose these key bellwethers by notable margins and still win the national election is newsworthy. Not since the Mafia allegedly aided John F. Kennedy in winning Illinois over Richard Nixon in 1960 has an American president pulled off this neat trick.

    Even more unbelievably, Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.

    Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump’s margin of victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points. In a larger list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the president since 2000, Trump won 51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four points. Bellwether counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a path to victory anyway.

    Read the whole thing.

  • “Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling“:

    To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 presidential election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank or a conspiracy theorist. Mark me down as a crank, then. I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.

    First, consider some facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016, the third largest rise in support ever for an incumbent. By way of comparison, President Obama was comfortably reelected in 2012 with 3.5 million fewer votes than he received in 2008.

    Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites.

    He earned the highest share of all minority votes for a Republican since 1960. Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016. Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose.

    Trump increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent. With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. Bellwether states swung further in Trump’s direction than in 2016. Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump. Since 1852, only Richard Nixon has lost the Electoral College after winning this trio, and that 1960 defeat to John F. Kennedy is still the subject of great suspicion.

    Midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin always swing in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory. He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.

    We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.

    Victorious presidential candidates, especially challengers, usually have down-ballot coattails; Biden did not. The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, where they gained a large number of seats while winning all 27 toss-up contests. Trump’s party did not lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level.

  • Now in Tweet form:

  • “Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% v. Trump 0.6%

    What surfaced during hearings in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 25, 2020, may set the standard for electoral outrageousness. An expert testifying to the Pennsylvania Senate flagged a batch of ballots that recorded some 570,000 votes for Joe Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump.

    Yes, you read that correctly. That would equate to Joe Biden bagging 99.4 percent of that enormous chunk of votes. That one batch alone would have flipped the state to Biden.

    This bombshell was dropped last Wednesday at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg. The November 25 hearings, which began at 12:30 p.m. and ran for nearly four hours, were convened at the request of Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties). It was sponsored by the Senate Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill). Mastriano has called what happened “unacceptable,” and has called for the resignation of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.

    This particular gem was provided by Ret. Col. Phil Waldren, a former combat officer with a background in Army information and electronic warfare. Waldren, who testified along with Rudy Giuliani’s team, brought to the hearing his considerable expertise in analysis of election-data fraud. After Waldren presented his material, the chair opened the floor for questions. Rudy Giuliani went first, asking Waldren to clarify what his analytics team means when they talk about “spike anomalies” in voting patterns. These, as Waldren defines them, are “events where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that is not feasible or mechanically possible under normal circumstances.” Waldren showed a chart with a shocking example of an apparent massive dump of votes for Joe Biden.

    (Hat tip: Director Blue.)

  • More on Pennsylvania:

  • A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night”:

    In the early hours of November 4th, 2020, Democratic candidate Joe Biden received several major “vote spikes” that substantially — and decisively — improved his electoral position in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. Much skepticism and uncertainty surrounds these “vote spikes.” Critics point to suspicious vote counting practices, extreme differences between the two major candidates’ vote counts, and the timing of the vote updates, among other factors, to cast doubt on the legitimacy of some of these spikes. While data analysis cannot on its own demonstrate fraud or systemic issues, it can point us to statistically anomalous cases that invite further scrutiny.

    This is one such case: Our analysis finds that a few key vote updates in competitive states were unusually large in size and had an unusually high Biden-to-Trump ratio. We demonstrate the results differ enough from expected results to be cause for concern.


    This report studies 8,954 individual updates to the vote totals in all 50 states and finds that four individual updates — two of which were widely noticed on the internet, including by the President — are profoundly anomalous; they deviate from a pattern which is otherwise found in the vast majority of the remaining 8,950 vote updates. The findings presented by this report [28]suggest that four vote count updates — which collectively were decisive in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and thus decisive of a critical forty-two electoral votes — are especially anomalous and merit further investigation.

    In particular, the finding that the broader data follows general patterns and our ability to measure just how much any individual vote update does — or doesn’t — follow this pattern allows us to make concrete claims about both how extreme any given vote update is and about what any particular vote update might have looked like, had it been less extreme one one axis or another.

    We further find that if these updates were only more extreme than 99% of all updates nationally in terms of their deviation from this generally-observed pattern, that, holding all else equal, Joe Biden may very well have lost the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and that he would have 42 fewer Electoral votes — putting Biden below the number required to win the Presidency. Either way, it is indisputable that his margin of victory in these three states relies on four most anomalous vote updates identified by the metric developed in this report.

  • “Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376.”
  • More on why Nevada is ground zero for in the battle against voting fraud:

    For the last several weeks, I have been screaming from the rooftops that mail ballots are the place to be looking for fraud. I have felt that the Hunt for Hacked Dominion has been a waste of time, unlikely to merit any immediate result that would provide enough of a boost to put Trump over the top. In watching the returns and the data, I saw mail ballot dumps that went almost 9 to 1 for Biden, and mail ballot turnouts that were much higher than surrounding counties, which led me to believe that there was more potential for issues here than anywhere else.

    Yesterday, news broke that a judge in Nevada has allowed a trial to continue, which could potentially lead to a recount and the exposure of significant fraud in that state. My colleague at RedState and a fantastic legal analyst, Shipwreckedcrew, wrote about the legal consequences in-depth here. As he explained, the Trump campaign is not a part of this particular suit, as a result of Nevada State Law that requires the standing of an elector for suits.

    In 2016, the ballot rejection rate in Nevada was 1.6% while this year it was around 0.75%. The idea that of the 654,389 mail ballots accepted by the state, it is likely the plaintiffs will find 34,000 ballots (or 5%) to overturn on signature alone, is nuts. There needs to be a much higher level of scrutiny that will give the result.

  • There was an Arizona election fraud hearing yesterday.
  • More details on the Arizona hearing.
  • Michigan is holding hearings on voting irregularities today, though evidently there’s some shenanigans with witnesses going on. (Hat tip: John Solomon.)
  • What is Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger thinking?

    ne has to wonder if Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is thinking at all. Under his leadership, the state rammed through an election technology system change violating every known rule of system implementation project management. It deployed this completely new system for one of the most contested national elections in our nation’s history. Then the state became an international embarrassment when the whole process fell apart on election night.

    Now, the eyes of the world are on Georgia because two runoffs will determine the majority in the Senate. So, what do Raffensperger and the rest of the Georgia State Election Board do? You guessed it. Outside of the legislative process, they are changing the rules again, according to Fox News:

    The five-member Georgia State Election Board, chaired by Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, voted on Monday to extend the use of the 24/7 monitored drop boxes for use through the runoffs. Use of the boxes was originally set to expire in late December.

    The move comes amid a surge in absentee ballot requests in the runoff elections. Officials said that as of Monday morning 762,000 requests for absentee ballots had been submitted.

    A second rule adopted allows counties to continue to begin processing absentee ballots two weeks before Election Day – but now also mandates them to start processing them no later than a week and one day ahead of the election. But as per Georgia law, none of the ballots would be tabulated and counted until the polls close on Jan. 5.

    (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)

  • Pennsylvania’s supreme court tosses another election certification lawsuit.
  • “The ‘smartest man in the room‘ has joined Sidney Powell’s team.”

    In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia’s name may not mean a lot to you, but it’s one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cyber-security problems.

    We know how important Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is because, just two and a half months ago, the New York Times ran one of its Sunday long-form articles about a massive, multi-million-dollar fraud that a talented grifter ran against the American intelligence and military communities. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is one of the few people who comes off looking good:

    Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots. After several months of working with Mr. Courtney, he began connecting those dots too. He did not like where they led.

    Not only does Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have an innate intelligence, but he’s also got extraordinary academic and practical skills in cyber-fraud detection and analysis. The reason we know about his qualifications is that it takes seven paragraphs for him to list them in the declaration he signed to support the Georgia complaint.

    His qualifications include a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in various areas of electrical and computer engineering. In addition, “I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT).”

    Professionally, Dr. Kershavarz-Nia has spent his career as a cyber-security engineer. “My experience,” he attests,” spans 35 years performing technical assessment, mathematical modeling, cyber-attack pattern analysis, and security intelligence[.]” I will not belabor the point. Take it as given that Dr. Kershavarz-Nia may know more about cyber-security than anyone else in America.

    So what does the brilliant Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have to say? This:

    1. Hammer and Scorecard is real, not a hoax (as Democrats allege), and both are used to manipulate election outcomes.
    2. Dominion, ES&S, Scytl, and Smartmatic are all vulnerable to fraud and vote manipulation — and the mainstream media reported on these vulnerabilities in the past.
    3. Dominion has been used in other countries to “forge election results.”
    4. Dominion’s corporate structure is deliberately confusing to hide relationships with Venezuela, China, and Cuba.
    5. Dominion machines are easily hackable.
    6. Dominion memory cards with cryptographic key access to the systems were stolen in 2019.

    Although he had no access to the machines, Dr. Kershavarz has looked at available data about the election and the vote results. Based on that information, he concluded

    1. The counts in the disputed states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia) show electronic manipulation.
    2. The simultaneous decision in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia to pretend to halt counting votes was unprecedented and demonstrated a coordinated effort to collude toward desired results.
    3. One to two percent of votes were forged in Biden’s favor.
    4. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.
    5. The scanners failed to keep records for audits, an outcome that must have been deliberately programmed.
    6. The stolen cryptographic key, which applied to all voting systems, was used to alter vote counts.
    7. The favorable votes pouring in after hours for Biden could not be accounted for by a Democrat preference for mailed in ballots. They demonstrated manipulation. For example, in Pennsylvania, it was physically impossible to feed 400,000 ballots into the machines within 2–3 hours.
    8. Dominion used Chinese parts, and there’s reason to believe that China, Venezuela, Cuba interfered in the election.
    9. There was a Hammer and Scorecard cyber-attack that altered votes in the battleground states, and then forwarded the results to Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, to avoid detection.
    10. The systems failed to produce any auditable results.

  • “Judge freezes voting machines in 3 Georgia counties.” “A judge assigned to a Republican-led lawsuit alleging widespread fraud in the presidential election in Georgia issued an order late Sunday night blocking plans to wipe or reset voting machines used in three counties in the state.”
  • “Powell: Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County While Lawyers Sought Restraining Order.”
  • Patrick Byrne, former CEO of, is paying “a team of hackers and cybersleuths” to prove Trump won.
  • Even 30% of Democrats think election fraud occurred.
  • A list of election certification dates.
  • There’s enough voting fraud that that margin was easily enough to flip the election:

  • Real or Photoshopped?

  • Let me know if I missed any important election fraud news in the comments.

    Joe Rogan Under Attack?

    November 30th, 2020

    With Joe Rogan’s show about to shift to Spotify, here’s a couple of other podcasters (Eric Weinstein and Lex Fridman) noting how Rogan’s close friends are attacked whenever he threatens to upset the desired narrative (i.e., “Biden is suffering from dementia”).

    I hope we still get excerpts from Rogan shows on YouTube, even if we’re no longer getting the full shows.

    (Note: I bet you were expecting another election fraud update today. With getting back to work after my Thanksgiving vacation ended, I didn’t quite have time to put one together for today, but hope to have one up tomorrow.)

    70 Years Ago: The Battle of Chosin Reservoir

    November 29th, 2020

    On November 27, 1950, Communist Chinese forces launched a surprise attack against United Nations forces (U.S., UK and South Korean) to begin the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, one of the defining engagements of the Korean War.

    In hard winter conditions with inadequate supplies and cold weather gear, allied forces found themselves surrounded by a communist Chinese force four times as large with orders to destroy them. Over 17 days, U.S. forces managed to break through the encirclement and carry out a fighting retreat to the port of Hungnam.

    It was at Chosin that legendary First Marine Regiment commander Chesty Puller said: “We’ve been looking for the enemy for some time now. We’ve finally found him. We’re surrounded. That simplifies things.”

    Thirteen servicemen earned Medals of Honor for their actions during The Battle of Chosin Reservoir.

    Sir, Any Firearms In The Vehicle?

    November 28th, 2020

    Something light and amusing for Thanksgiving weekend:

    (Hat tip: Borepatch.)

    LinkSwarm for November 27, 2020

    November 26th, 2020

    This Black Friday LinkSwarm is coming to you absolutely free!

  • President Donald Trump pardons former National Security advisor Michael Flynn. Good. He was railroaded and then held prisoner by a rogue judge long after the Department of Justice ordered him released.
  • The thing that really bothers the establishment about Trump is all his supporters they prefer to pretend don’t exist:

    Election Day definitively confirmed the existence of hidden Trump voters. Undetected by polls and long denied by the establishment media, Trump’s surprising surge had to come from somewhere. Either these supporters were hiding from pollsters or pollsters were hiding them. Regardless, their existence raises disturbing questions about the role played by the establishment media and pollsters in influencing this election.

    Election Day provided the startling revelation that a contest that supposedly had been over for months, actually would not be decided for days, and perhaps longer. In reality, the “blowout” proved a nail-biter. More unsettling is the fact that the race probably had been this close all along and that the false impression likely influenced the outcome.

    As recently as October 12 the RealClearPolitics average of national polling had Biden at 52.3 percent and Trump at 41.7 percent. The average on Election Day was 51.2 percent to 44 percent. As of November 18, the actual popular vote figures are Biden at 51 percent and Trump at 47.2 percent.

    From his October 12 level, Trump’s support increased over 13 percent. How could an error of such magnitude occur? Clearly a lot of hidden Trump voters came from somewhere. The question is whether they were hiding or were hidden.

    Whether this was a sin of omission or one of commission has enormous implications for America’s elections. After years’ worth of concern about whether there had been Russian interference in our elections, it bears considering whether America has just fallen victim to internal tampering to a far greater degree.

    The establishment media’s preferred answer to how the polls failed to detect millions of Trump voters is that the error was stupid, not sinister. “Whoops, we just missed them” — despite this being pollsters’ business, their assurance that they had “fixed” their polls’ problems from 2016, and the mistake being of incredible size. As results show, 2020’s error is greater than 2016’s.

    The establishment media has readily blamed the pollsters, essentially exonerating itself by saying that it was just reporting what it was told. Yet neglected is the fact that the polls’ results were confirming the establishment media’s own bias. This bias has been repeatedly cited for decades and has never been clearer than over the last four years. As testament to the miraculous coincidence of pro-Biden polls and establishment media’s pro-Biden bias, consider the reverse: Would the establishment media have so readily regurgitated polling data showing the race as close as it turned out to be?

  • An obituary for the Trump-era press:

    We say goodbye, then, to journalists elevating as worthy of public notice obvious liars and lunatics, including convicted felon Michael Avenatti, gossip columnist Michael Wolff, mental health quack Bandy Lee, and conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch — all because they oppose the administration.

    Goodbye to weekly “bombshells” that land with a “splat!” instead of a “boom!”

    Goodbye to near-daily input from presidential historians turned political assassins.

    Goodbye to members of the press acting as if the cover artwork of the latest edition of a prestige news magazine is in some way provocative, stunning, or even particularly interesting.

    Goodbye to White House correspondents pretending as if they are reporting from an active war zone or claiming they feel safer covering authoritarian regimes.

    Goodbye to the Holocaust being invoked against the administration on a near-daily basis.

    Etc. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)

  • If Biden makes it to the White House, get ready for more green crony graft. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Governor Abbott sends the Texas Rangers to Dallas.

    Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered the Texas Rangers and other officials to help the City of Dallas respond to a spike in murders and other violent crimes that has gripped the city.

    Abbott directed the Texas Department of Public Safety to send help to the Dallas Police Department (DPD) which will include special agents, state troopers, two helicopters, and two patrol planes.

    “The rise in violent crime in the City of Dallas is unacceptable, and the Texas Department of Public Safety will assist the Dallas Police Department in their efforts to protect the community and reduce this surge in crime.”

  • Fifth circuit to judge to Planned Parenthood: No, you don’t have a right to Texas taxpayer money. Not yours.
  • Six MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Houston for Murder Could Face Death Penalty.” Good.
  • Why does the media keep trying to make a saint of commie Angela Davis?
  • Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell fined $1,000 for violating his own stay at home order to visit his grandson’s birthday party. Not quite a lobbyist-funded trip to The French Laundry, but still not a good look…
  • Austin leftwing journalists go after (checks notes) moms and sex trafficking victims for daring to oppose police budget cuts. Next up: The cishetronormative oppression of apple pie.
  • What real hope and change looks like in the Middle East:

  • More on the same theme:

  • Social Justice Warriors have to get rid of meritocracy because it doesn’t let them discriminate against Asians.
  • How Erdogan’s Turkey destroyed the value of the Lira.
  • “Google, Facebook and Twitter threaten to leave Pakistan over crackdown on speech offensive to Islam.”
  • The modern welfare state in action: “Dutch Doctors Can Now Drug Dementia Patients Before Killing Them to Prevent Resistance.”
  • “Walmart-exclusive router and others sold on Amazon & eBay contain hidden backdoors to control devices.”
  • Over at Penguin books, the inmates are trying to run the asylum with staffers in “revolt” over publishing Jordan Peterson’s new book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
  • Fleas from rescued squirrels bit Johnny Rotten’s sex pistol. (Hat tip: Daddy Warpig.)
  • Florida man who wrestled puppy from an alligator speaks.

  • Dancing Weasel.
  • Like a boss:

  • Most Shocking fodder.
  • I don’t know how I missed this rare actually funny Funny or Die bit when it came out in 2013. “Try parodying one of my songs now, you stupid bastard!”
  • “State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving.”
  • “Never Trumpers To Be Granted Special VIP Section Of Gulags When Dems Take Over.”
  • “Just Hours After Being Placed In Cuomo’s Possession, Emmy Statue Dies Of COVID.”
  • Joseph Stalin To Receive International Emmy For His Outstanding Hunger Relief Efforts.”
  • Not news: Dog reunited with owner thanks to microchip. News: After seven years.
  • Nice one, Muttly:

  • SR-71 Pilot Brian Shul On Being Thankful

    November 26th, 2020

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Dwight put this up a while back, and I decided to tuck it away to use on Thanksgiving. It’s a speech by SR-71 pilot Brian Shul about going from being severely burned in a crash in the jungle in Vietnam and days away from death wasting away in a hospital to not only return to flying, but to fly the greatest airplane in history.

    I first became aware of Shul a couple of decades ago, when I came across the fact that his book Sled Driver: Flying the World’s Fastest Jet brought eye-popping sums on eBay. He talks about the book some later in the speech.

    Bill Filed To Regulate SWAT Teams

    November 25th, 2020

    The filing season has started for next year’s 87th Texas Legislature, and Rachel Malone, Texas Director of Gun Owners of America, sent out an email highlighting various gun-related bills (both pro- and anti-Second Amendment) in the forthcoming session. One entry that caught my eye was Rep. Harold Dutton (D-Houston) HB 579, which would regulate the use of SWAT teams.

    The part that caught GOA’s eye was Sec. 1701.753. (c) “The existence of a legally owned firearm in the home of an individual does not in itself constitute evidence of an imminent threat.” That would indeed be an improvement in further normalizing lawful gun ownership. I also approve of the use of mandating body cams for SWAT team members. Indeed, every uniformed peace officer should wear a film body cam at all times while on duty. They provide invaluable evidence by good cops and discourage bad behavior by the few bad apples.

    I’m a bit more ambivalent about the bill outlining the acceptable use cases for SWAT teams. There is a real concern about the increasing militarization of low enforcement, but such guidelines are better promulgated at the local rather than state level.

    The fact that a small band of radical Social Justice Warrior idiots want to abolish the police shouldn’t keep us from examining good-faith efforts to reform police practice where possible. Better and more extensive use of force and deescalation training is any idea that both Republicans and Democrats should be able to get behind. (Well, you would think, except Democrats killed South Carolina Republican Tim Scott’s crime reform bill.) Eliminating civil forfeiture without trial is another area for bipartisan reform.

    Biden Still Bidening (Open Thread)

    November 24th, 2020

    I spent all day putting together a new book catalog, so you’re getting a lazy blogging day today. Here’s a video of Joe Biden doing what Joe Biden does best: looking confused while stumbling over his own words:

    Also: Open thread. Feel free to share your best Biden memes, and any new election fraud links I haven’t covered yet.