October 22nd, 2014
You’ve really got to hand it to the Wendy Davis campaign. Every time you think they’ve sunk as low as they possibly can, they break out the heavy construction equipment and start digging.
Now the campaign who asked if the guy in a wheelchair hated the disabled is wondering whether the guy married to a Mexican-American would ban interracial marriage.
The reviews are in, and they’re not pretty:
Davis is “doubling down on a big blunder by defending the indefensible.”
“Republicans expected that Davis’s bid for governor would go nowhere. But the slow-motion seppuku that has been the Davis campaign has surpassed even the most optimistic expectations. It has been nothing short of schadenfreude-tastic.”
Then of course there’s the whole attacking Abbott over dildos issue. Look, from a libertarian viewpoint I happen to agree that the state’s rarely-enforced sex toy ban is pointless in the Internet age. However: 1.) Davis still doesn’t seem to understand what an Attorney General’s job is, and 2.) Everyone who would vote for Wendy Davis over dildos was already voting for her, so talking about it wins her no additional votes, and probably loses her a few among older voters.
I’m sure there have been more incompetent campaigns than Davis’, but I’m wracking my brain trying to think of one so high-profile and well-funded that crashed and burned so spectacularly, or that managed to alienate so many people in such a short period of time with such sleazy and counterproductive tactics.
Its almost as if Democrats know her campaign is doomed, and have encouraged this offensive incompetence as a means of distracting attention from their deeply flawed senate race candidates in other states.
“I suspect her candidacy is an elaborate prank pulled on the people of Texas, and she is actually a middle-aged actress from southern California hired by Funny or Die.” [Disagree: There’s precious little evidence the Funny or Die people are capable of coming up with something this funny.]
Maybe she has a secret bet with a billionaire (ala Brewster’s Millions) that she can run a campaign so unbelievably sleazy and incompetent that she can get The Nation to endorse Greg Abbott. Or maybe she’s a Karl Rove plant.
Also this:
(Would have had this up yesterday, but too much news puffing up…)
Tags: 2014 Election, 2014 Governor's Race, Democrats, dildos, Elections, Greg Abbott, Texas, Wendy Davis
Posted in Democrats, Elections, Texas | No Comments »
October 21st, 2014
Remember Kenneth “Buddy” Barfield, the political consultant who was accused of embezzling over $2 million from David Dewhurst campaign funds? When last we checked, he had sold his house to settle a civil lawsuit from Dewhurst.
Well, Barfield just plead guilty to embezzling $1.8 million from various David Dewhurst campaigns.
“While working on behalf of the David Dewhurst Campaign and Dewhurst for Texas, Barfield knowingly and intentionally engaged in a scheme to defraud the entities of campaign dollars for his own benefit,” a plea agreement signed by Barfield stated.
“Barfield used the stolen funds to pay for expenses such as his home mortgage, school tuition for his children, personal investments and other living expenses.”
Dewhurst campaign officials said Barfield concealed his theft from the campaign accounts by falsifying bank deposit slips, vendor invoices and finance reports to make it appear that the accounts had far more cash on hand than they actually contained.
In the meantime, Barfield and his side businesses, such as Alexander Group Consulting, were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for services that were never performed.
As I noted in the original story, the embezzlement was a symptom of disorder in the Dewhurst campaign, not its cause. It also shows why it’s a good idea for any political campaign with funds of $1 million or more to have outside auditing…
Tags: 2012 Election, Crime, David Dewhurst, Elections, Kenneth Barfield, Texas, Texas Senate Race
Posted in Crime, Elections, Texas | 1 Comment »
October 21st, 2014
MSNBC has repeatedly stated that a travel ban from Ebola-stricken nations is racist:
Now it turns out that lots of Democrats (especially of the “endangered Senate incumbent” variety) have come out in favor of a travel ban:
Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire joined the crowd on Monday night, saying through a spokesman that she “strongly supports any and all effective measures to keep Americans safe including travel bans if they would work.” Shaheen said last week she didn’t think a travel ban makes sense, but she is facing heavy criticism from her Republican opponent, former Senator Scott Brown, on the issue. Under pressure from Republicans, Senator Kay Hagan came out in support of a ban late last week, and Senators Mark Pryor and Mark Udall have also called for travel restrictions.
Even Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a Democrat who is not in a particularly close race, changed his stance on Monday and said the government should “seriously consider” a ban.
Strangely enough, I haven’t heard of anyone on MSNBC calling those Democrats racist. (Then again, I don’t watch it, but I think I would have heard about it had it happened. If they have, let me know…) So, there are two possibilities here:
- All the Democrats calling for a travel ban from Ebola-stricken nations are racists.
- MSNBC is made up of lying hacks for the Democratic Party
Of course, I suppose that both could be true.
And what’s MSNBC going to say if, as widely rumored, Obama himself comes out for a travel ban?
I think we all know the answer to that…
Tags: 2014 Election, Andrew Cuomo, Democrats, Ebola, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, Mark Pryor, Mark Udall, Media Watch, MSNBC, video
Posted in Democrats, Elections, Media Watch, video | 1 Comment »
October 20th, 2014
I was at a writer’s workshop this weekend, so it’s slow going getting back into the swing of things:
Early voting in Texas starts today. Find your polling place here.
ObamaCare is failing to control costs.
Sure, it’s screwed over the many people who have lost their policies or seen their rates skyrocket, but besides Democratic Party functionaries, is there anyone who is happy with ObamaCare? Why yes, there is: Insurance companies
Department of Defense hid discovery of chemical weapons in Iraq. In other words: Bush was right, and his critics were wrong…
Looks like U.S. air power is finally making a difference in Kobane.
On the other hand: “U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS: Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.” Let’s not do that…
A sign of how deadly Ebola is: “That Science article written by 58 medical professionals tracing the emergence of Ebola—5 of them died from Ebola before it was published.” (Hat tip: Jerry Pournelle via Instapundit.)
The Democratic talking points that “Republican budget cuts” helped create the Ebola outbreak are such obvious lies that the Washington Post gave it four Pinocchios.
Speaking of Ebola…
“Having Jimmy Carter out-hawk you is like having Joe Biden attack you for being verbally undisciplined…Doing nothing about the Islamic State was Obama’s foreign policy until the domestic political situation made his foreign policy untenable.”
Another Democratic Senate candidates refuses to say she voted for Obama. Hey, remember when all those Republican senate candidates refused to say whether they voted for Reagan? Me neither.
So just how much did Kay Hagan’s family get from a USDA energy program? USDA: We’re not going to tell you.
Democrats bringing in Marc Ellis is pretty much a sign they know they’re already breaking the law.
Tom Harkin is not pissing his campaign contributions down Bruce Braley’s rathole of a campaign.
Why should blacks turn out for the Democratic Party?
Real rape vs. “rape culture”:
Why Ezra Klein supports “An Enabling Act for the Salem Rape Culture Trials.”
Then Klein doubled down on stupid, proving how deeply over his head he’s in. Again.
FIRE‘s VP also takes a wack at Klein’s stupidity.
Is there any doubt that, under these new kangaroo court procedures, the innocent Duke lacrosse players would have been expelled labeled sex offenders? I suspect that for Social justice Warriors, this outcome isn’t a bug, but a feature…
MoveOn.org has a “Get the money out of politics” ad contest. Unexpected conservative landslide ensues.
World’s least shocking news: New York Times reporters follow liberal Twitter feeds almost exclusively. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
The #GamerGate Hate Hoax. But it’s not like Robert Stacy McCain knows anything about online death threats…
Has PETA reminded us what insane lunatics they are recently? Well, they’re complaining about Google View using a camel.
ISIS kills ISIS.
Is your religion approved by the City of Houston, comrade?
All about the man recreating the 1918 flu strain that killed 40 million people
Remembering Aitazaz Hassan Bangash, whose sacrifice saved hundred from a suicide bomber in Pakistan.
This looks like it could be an interesting book.
Holly Hansen has the rundown on Round Rock ISD board candidates.
SXSW would like to to keep the peasants from exercising their annoying freedoms during their festival. (Hat tip: Dwight.)
What every President drank.
Tags: #GamerGate, 2014 Election, Aitazaz Hassan Bangash, Archer, Austin, black, Books, Bruce Braley, Democrats, Duke lacrosse case, Ebola, Elections, feminism, Holly Hansen, Houston, Iraq, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jihad, Jimmy Carter, Jonah Goldberg, Kay Hagan, Marc Ellis, Military, MoveOn.org, Natalie Tennant, New York Times, Pakistan, PETA, Round Rock ISD, Steve Crowder, Syria, Texas, Tom Harkin, video
Posted in Austin, Democrats, Elections, Jihad, Media Watch, Military, Obama Scandals, ObamaCare, Texas | No Comments »
October 17th, 2014
Obama has finally twigged to the seriousness of the Ebola crisis and nominated Ron Klain, a doctor who specializes in infectious diseases and taught at Johns Hopkins, as “Ebola Czar.”
Ha, just kidding! He’s a lawyer and longtime Democratic political operative.
A few more facts about Klain:
He helped approve the loan to Solyndra.
He met his environmental activist wife while both were undergraduates at Georgetown.
Kevin Spacey (who looks nothing like him) played him in a movie about the Florida recount.
He used to be a columnist for Bloomberg View. Really, what screams “I’m an Ebola expert” more than “Keeping Working-Class Voters for Obama” or “How Democrats Can Make Their Case for Raising Revenue”?
He has a Twitter feed. You have to go back to October 2 to find a mention of Ebola: a retweet.
Did George W. Bush ever attempt such a tone-deaf nomination? Once, when he tried to nominate Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Except: 1. He quickly withdrew it, and 2. Miers was at least a lawyer. This is like Bush nominating Miers to be Surgeon General.
As Instapundit is wont to say, “the country is in the very best of hands.”
Tags: Democrats, Ebola, Obama, Obama Scandals, Ron Klain
Posted in Democrats, Obama Scandals | 1 Comment »
October 16th, 2014
Pat Condell offers some pungent thoughts on the connection between mass Muslim immigration and rising rape statistics in Sweden:
Is Sweden the rape capital of Europe? Indeed, this BBC report confirms it, though they claim that it’s an artifact of how the statistics are kept.
However, I’m finding a hard time finding official statistics to verify what percentage of rapes are committed by immigrants or by the children of immigrants. (I have seen these statistics referred to in some discussions, but have not been able to locate them directly.) There does seem to be evidence that immigrants are “five times more likely to be investigated for sex crimes.” But that’s from 2005. Are Muslims committing the majority of rapes in Sweden? It seems entirely possible, but I don’t want to fall prey to my own confirmation bias.
Of course, since Sweden has fined Michael Hess for making a connection between Islam and rape, one can understand why published statistics could be hard to come by. Especially since “the question of whether Michael Hess’s statement is true, or at least for Michael Hess appeared to be true, is irrelevant to the proceedings.”
Anyone have any better sources?
Tags: Crime, Islam, Muslim, Pat Condell, rape, Sweden, video
Posted in Crime, Jihad, video | No Comments »
October 15th, 2014
Via Dwight comes word that alternative weekly the San Francisco Bay Guardian has ceased publication. Alternative weeklies used to have a market niche as carrier mediums of left-wing opinion, music gig listings and porn ads. The Internet has taken over the music and porn listings, and the left-wing opinion market is glutted not only online, but with MSNBC, New York Times, CNN, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, NPR, etc.
But if you can’t make money with an alternative weekly in San Francisco, where can you? (And keep in mind that this was after they received a settlement from rival SF Weekly.)
Well, probably Austin. At least as long as you have an enormous, money-making music festival attached to it…
(Flashback: “I missed the Bay Guardian’s coverage of their investor’s indictment on child prostitution charges.”)
Tags: California, Democrats, Media Watch, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Guardian
Posted in Austin, Democrats, Media Watch | 2 Comments »
October 15th, 2014
Since they linked to me yesterday, I’ve finally done what I’ve meant to do for a long time, namely get up off my ass and add Pension Tsunami to the Blogroll. They offer a great daily news roundup on the looming unionized public sector pension crisis that threatens to bankrupt cities and states across the country (especially California).
I’ve also added the new “California/Pensions/Unions/Etc.” link category and moved Kausfiles there as well.
Expect more additions to that blog category Real Soon Now.
Tags: Budget, California, Democrats, links, pension crisis, Site Administration, unions, Welfare State
Posted in Budget, Democrats, unions, Welfare State | No Comments »
October 14th, 2014
Once again, the Wendy Davis campaign is the gift that keeps giving to conservative pundits. It’s all over but the voting at this point, but Davis’ thrashing, flailing campaign is so ham-handed and tone-deaf that she keeps staying in the news for all the wrong reasons.
First came this amazingly stupid ad:
Reaction was swift and pretty much universally negative.
Fox: “Absolute desperation…catastrophic.”
Even ultra-lefty Mother Jones was appalled: “Wendy Davis just released an ad attacking Greg Abbott, her opponent for governor in Texas, which is, to be blunt, bullshit. It’s offensive and nasty and it shouldn’t exist. She’s basically calling Abbott a cripple.”
MSNBC? “A huge blunder.” “Every Democrat I met down there was appalled.” “She’s gonna get creamed.”
Indeed, the ad is so ill-considered and offensive that it may derail what I thought would be her next gig: a position at MSNBC.
As Hot Air noted: “Perhaps Wendy Davis isn’t familiar with what an Attorney General does.”
Also note that this ad didn’t come from an outside group or SuperPAC, this came from the Davis campaign itself. Her fingerprints are all over it and she has no deniability.
So what did Davis do after this nigh-on universal condemnation? She doubled down on stupid.
And this happened:
And Abbott? He’s just shrugging over the whole thing, and why shouldn’t he? Never interrupt your opponent when they’re in the process of committing suicide. Also note that he eschewed the frequent liberal tactic of calling a press conference to talk about how offended he is. When you’re a front-runner with a comfortable lead and a big money advantage, you don’t need such cheap theatrics.
Tags: 2014 Election, 2014 Governor's Race, Democrats, Elections, Greg Abbott, Texas, Texas Gubernatorial Race, video, Wendy Davis
Posted in Democrats, Elections, Texas, video | No Comments »
October 13th, 2014
Evidently I missed the new Kronies action figure when it dropped in September:
Tags: Kronies, ObamaCare, video
Posted in ObamaCare, Regulation | No Comments »